(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 14:53

1. Say something good that happened to you today? Um. Car rides with sarah always fun.
2. What is your general philosophy of life? never forget how you got to where you are
3. What is the worst thing you have lived through? freshman year

4. How old is your inner child? about 6

5. Do you believe in a higher power, and if so, what name do you give it? no
6. Are you allergic to anything, and if so, what? nottthing!
7. Write a haiku on the spot...  (5-7-5)
its a sunny day
i think its finally spring
yeah for mud puddles

8. Favorite animal? sheep
9. Favorite LJ community? uh. moo
10. Coffee, tea, or soda - how do you get your caffiene fix? green tea bitch

11. Idealist or realist? realist
12. Are you lucky or unlucky? lucky for somethings, unlucky for others
13. How much do you normally tip? alot.
14. Last time you got sick? i think im getting sick now
15. Favorite word or phrase to use when cussing someone out? eh, i think i invent some new words
16. Best movie made before 1970? hummmmmmm. goooood questtttion!
17. After 1970?  FORREST GUMP

18. Within the past five years? bridget jones's diary

19. What is your quest? to do something?
20. Favorite TV drama? noneeee
21. Favorite sitcom?friends!!

22. Favorite reality show? uhhh? queer eye? is that reality?

23. Favorite game show? Whose line is it anyways
24. Favorite talk show? OPRAHHHH!

25. A quote that sticks in your head: um. i dunno
26. Favorite toy as a child? worms, frogs and bugs
27. Last thing you made with your own hands? a story?

28. Last fight you got into? um? i dont know.
29. Last time you were hospitalized? uhh last year
30. Favorite kind of flower? daffodils
31. Are you now, or have you ever been, a communist? no?
32. Favorite word? nosenugget
33. Last thing you picked up off the ground? actually, it was potato...my dog was eating it
34. Favorite book as a child?  fox moon
35. Favorite book as a juvenile? um? anne frank?
36. Favorite book as an adult?White Oleander

37. Last time you flipped someone the bird?yesterday on the highway
38. Do you have any siblings, and if so, how many? only child!
39. Make _____, not war: love?
40. Favorite singer? india arie?

41. Favorite songwriter? uh?
42. Favorite actor?renee zellweger

43. Surprise parties - yes, or no? hahahahaYEAHHHH
44. Where do you get your news from? online, or the tv
45. If you had to challenge someone to a duel of some kind, what your weapon of choice be? doob.
46. Favorite kind of soup? soup is ick
47. What, if any, parts of your body do you shave, wax, or otherwise remove hair from? well when i do shave, which is rare, the norm

48. What is happiness to you? a faulty state of mind that many manufacturers try to sell on our shelves
49. Least favorite household chore?cat litter. ew.
50. Favorite thing to do on a cold and rainy night? go outside
51. Peter Pan or Captain Hook - who is cooler? peter pan. captain hook looks like a rapist
52. Have you ever written/carved/etc. “I was here” on anything? on a table in the mountains
53. Favorite mythology? um?
54. Favorite magazine? people and health
55. Law & Order - original, SVU, or Criminal Intent? what the hell is that?
56. Worst pickup line ever used on you? um. those dont happen to me
57. Best job you ever had? the farm!!! ahahaha! fucking LOVE that place

58. What do you know how to fix? not much
59. Favorite place to go in the town you live? driving around, anywhere
60. Favorite munchie? broccoli!
61. Movie with the best one-liners? FORREST GUMP!!!
62. How do you groom your nails? i bite them. what a lady eh?
63. Last pity party you held for yourself? uhh, i dont know if it was a pity party, but i was a fuck last night
64. Last post-it note written? *lights*
65. If you could go back in time to a specific place and era, when and where would it be? the victorian ages, but i'd live on a farm

66. How much money do you have in cash right now? 30 bucks? i think
67. What’s the best joke you know how to tell? hahaha nada
68. Last gift that you gave someone? um? my mom?
69. [Write your own question here. Now answer it] Um, what one thing would you take with you if your house was burning and your pets got out ok? My box of cards and letters since sixth grade
70. Favorite superhero? erm?
71. What songs do you know all the lyrics to by heart?lifehouse, disney, random retard ones
72. What did you buy on your last trip to the store? tea
73. Worst habit? being a bitch
74. Last thing you quit?softball
75. WB - too cheesy for it’s own good, or just cheesy enough? cheeesy. too much so

76. Pet peeve? other people on the road
77. What do you grab to drink when you're hot, sweaty, and thirsty? water
78. Do you wear a watch? no

79. What were you doing before you started taking this survey? homework
80. What do you wish you were doing instead of taking this survey? sleeping
81. What’s preventing you from doing that? the sun
82. What are your plans for the rest of the day? homework, get gas, go to the gym
83. Have you ever been arrested? nope
84. Favorite kind of poetry? stuff i can relate to
85. Favorite kind of music? stupid songs, and uhh
86. How many different kinds of solitaire do you know to play? 1
87. What are you a member of? um, a few things
88. Do you like green eggs and ham? nope! meat is ewww.
89. Is the glass half-empty, or half-full? half-empty
90. Who is the wind beneath your wings? vania, sarah, and gonad especially, and the rest of my friends

91. Favorite John Hughes film? um. yeahhhh?

92. Would you follow the white rabbit down the hole? thats so perverted! ahahah!
93. What classes have you failed in your lifetime? none
94. Favorite comedian? chris rock
95. Monkeys -  what the fuck?!
96. Favorite Beatles song? pfft??
97. Walk, bike, ride, or drive? any of them

98. Do you take vitamins, and if so, which ones? yes, olay
99. Bugs Bunny, or Mickey Mouse? mickey mouse
100. What do you want on your tombstone? i dont want a tombstone

A is for -- age: 16

B is for -- boyfriend/girlfriend: negative

C is for -- career in the future: physician specialising in AIDS and going to Africa.

D is for -- dead person you would like to meet: um, good question?

E is for -- essential item: toilet paper

F is for -- favorite song of the moment: meehhh?

G is for -- guys/girls you've kissed: ahaheehaha

H is for -- hometown: smellmont

I is for -- instruments you play: trumpet, a little piano

J is for -- Job title: um, eddie bauer walker arounder?

K is for -- kicks ass: sarah's shit

L is for -- living place: here..at my house

M is for -- most memorable moment of today: arvid's hair cut thing

O is for -- overnight hospital stays: a week

P is for -- phobias: the future

Q is for -- quote you like: however long the night, the dawn will break...

R is for -- relashonship that lasted the longest: prefer not to say...

T is for -- time you wake up everyday:5.

U is for -- unique traits:  my old unobrow

V is for -- vegetable you love: broccoli

W is for -- worst habit: um, being a bitch

X is for -- xylophone!!!!!! ? what?

Y is for -- yummy food you make:um, broccoli?

Z is for -- zodiac sign: capricorn
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