Sep 22, 2006 22:57
Went to the fair today... It was alright... but it just kept bringing back tons of memories I would rather not relive. Those times were TOO happy, and TOO perfect. It just makes you wish you never had to leave that moment. Then you get kicked back into reality and current time place... And it just hits you like an aluminum bat to the chest and heart, full speed. ( Thanks for talking with me, Justin)
I got my books for school today. They look extremely cool. I'm excited for that at least. Hopefully I'll meet some new people.
I promised myself I wouldn't post these lyrics because they are for my band's album... but I started to think that all poetry should be shared... So, here they are. They are incomplete at the moment, Theres a couple more verses to fill. Let me know what you think, Please!
Dizzy And Falling,
Masking The Problems,
Shadows Lay Down At Your Feet,
In A Back Alley,
Everyones Convulsing,
And Bodies Lay Incomplete,
This Planets On,
Flesh Melting From The Bone,
Mankind Has Claimed Defeat,
Climb Up Those Ladders,
My Fellow Countrymen,
And Hang Yourselves To & Fro,
Commiting Persona Genocide,
To Keep This From Spreading,
From Reaching Its Plateau,
As You Stand,
And Try To Catch Your Breath,
Chaos Meets Your Eyes,
People Disrobe In Skin,
The Priests Call From Within,
Staying Calm As They Tranquilize,
Witness The Final Stage,
Fools Become Leaders,
A Globe Sterilized,
Climb Up Those Ladders,
My Fellow Countrymen,
And Hang Yourselves To & Fro,
Commiting Persona Genocide,
To Keep This From Spreading,
From Reaching Its Plateau,
It Needs another 2 verses... and possibly a bridge.... Word.
Please let me know what you think.