Apr 02, 2006 22:43
We are too young for cynicism but we aren't young enough to be awesome. That doesn't really work out. If you're going to look at "the reality" of the situation, then look at both sides of that reality.
Everyone dances backwards, thinking that what they're doing is beautiful, even though they're going in the wrong direction. Then again, why does direction matter if you don't think that you're going to change anything? You have to be the change you want to see in the world said Gandhi. So why don't people just let go of comfort and do something about the lives that are screaming out in pain. Complaining doesn’t get you anywhere, and yet the squeaky wheel gets the grease. My life stopped making sense a while ago.
I don’t remember half of what I said last night, apart from being stubborn and pushing hope. I believe that hope triumphs over experience. There is no such thing as human nature and yet I want to believe that there is some little thing inside of us, bright or dim, but burning nonetheless.
Believe believe believe. I don’t believe in God but I do believe in me, for the most part. Not even in me. I just have faith in good. Faith in good. Faith in God? No. Just faith, plain and simple and alone at the top of a hill looking down over the valley of my life.
The world is full of disaster, but there are small triumphs everyday. When someone saves the world, it will not be a single person, but rather the culmination of all of those little victories in the grand scheme of life. More than the sum of their parts.