hot like whoa

Apr 17, 2005 19:30

Name: autumn
Age: 14
Sex: female
Location: ocean beach, san diego, CA
Sexuality: straight
Single/Taken: single

Bands: bright eyes, the blood brothers, from first to last, from autumn to ashes, elliott smith, action action, hot hot heat, my chemical romance
Song:  bright eyes- haligh, haligh
Movies: a clockwork orange, pulp fiction, fight club, resovoir dogs, taxi driver, reefer madness, elephant
Food: bean and rice burritos
Animal: octopuss or giraffe

What's in your cd player right now? from first to last-dear diary my teen angst has a bodycount; bright eyes- the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground; beep beep- buisness casual (i havea 3 disc cd player)
Describe yourself in 3 words: caring, sad, funny
What is you best/favorite feature? my eyes
Give us a random fact: i like flowers

PICTURES(at least five CLEAR pictures where we can see your face)  
 sorry it's sideways.    

sorry. i have some body shots. but these are the only good clear pictures i have. and my paint thing isn't working right now so i can't crop it. i didn't want to be banned for waiting to long to apply (i had already waited 1-2 days) so i thought i would just put these ones on there because i needed 5 pictures.     sorry again. <3

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