(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 18:20

Well yesterday i hung out with my new friend Tess shes very lovely and nice and adorable then we hung out with her friend Cody who came to visit her and we were bored walked around downtown and got stuff from this japanese store or something got hair dye hot cheetos batteries for my cam and yeah... lol... then we had milshakes and garlic fries and yeah then later on my and Tess rented Big Fish which we didn't get to finish but it's all good and yeah so that was yesterday

Today i woke up late and um then Tess came over round 2 the whole visit consisted of fiddling with our hair lol which is VERY IMPORTANT i might add lol so yeah she was still lovely today. dyed my hair cut it and cut hers too i have bangs now lol and then we took pics lots so here ya go... <3

the end

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