_honeyspider May 01, 2008 11:44
dl enabling again, drinking and yet sober, gay sexors, imaginary misbehaving, mango sodomy, books are love, i have a chubby rat, lfod, brian is a sexy bastard, leaving the house is a bummer, a bit of fantasy, sex romps!, look at the boobies!, *insert theme music here*, tim's buttsex powers, lordi, who needs pants?, awesomeness, pointless nudity all around, i want to be sarah conner, queer as folk, geekary of all forms, abuse of feathers, filthy lesbians and their filthy ways, desdemona ftw, friends, oh god - put the kettle on, rat on my head :/, movie nights!, the first rule of lfod club, all singing - all dancing, dexter dexter dexter, crap for breakfast, lack of worldly justice, to things that don't suck, the moon was having a wank, musicals make the glee happen, terminator hells yeah!, you love it you slaaaags!, bubbly!, my fingers are frozen, high school flashbacks, supernatural, tv isn't books, lord byron, juuuuuussstiiiiin! (like 'deeeeeean!')
_honeyspider Jun 01, 2006 02:32
lordi, music
_honeyspider May 21, 2006 15:05
_honeyspider Apr 16, 2006 22:25
parties, ireland, lordi, music