_honeyspider Nov 01, 2011 14:37
not where fingers belong, drinking and yet sober, covered in spiders not bees, emma frost wouldn't put up with this, nano, lfod, hardcore!!1!, mmm pretty people, lara is made of ♥, surgery is what you need, playing with sharp things, picspam, crazy old people, madness takes it's toll, hilarity, parties, oh my god (in capslock), wtf alison?, such displays of athleticism, buffy wouldn't stand for this, they all die., geekary of all forms, bloody mess, creepy little fuckers, like my women like i like my coffee, they're hot zombies okay?, the first rule of lfod club, movie nights!, dressing up like fools, halloween, to things that don't suck, removing body parts slowly, naked fun at the lfod, needles of evil, stuff that scares me, so much boobies!
_honeyspider Sep 04, 2008 19:23
bill bailey is a gooder man, hilarity, songs about emos