AHHHHHHHHHHHH talk about anxiety!!!!!!

Mar 05, 2005 16:48

VENTING to destress myself:

THIS WEEK NEEDS TO END!!!!!!! And techinally it hasnt even started yet b/c its atill sat.. sweet... I dunno what is wrong with me... I have no problems w/ n e one.. me and capri chatted... She thought I wad distancing myself b/c i had Dano now and forgetting about my friends... god I hate pple like that.. I would never want to be one of those.. and I felt left out... ha talk about misunderstanding.... ok but I have such anxiety..

Number One I have so much work and im realll stressed.... I cant stay here in this fuckin school.. I havnt gone home since like b4 WINTER TERM!! fuck yo... Im dieing... I need a car to just drive around... I called my mom and i was like come pick me up bring me home and I was gunna but then I started freakin out b/c I have so much hmwrk.. i was gettin even more worked up... bahh I give up! Next weekend I want to be fun and go home for a night and have my friends up.. then I remember its the fuckin America East conference... A MILLION GAMES TO FUCKIN WORK!! Ya well I say fuck u work.... I think im gunna tell Cindy I cant work some of the games b/c I cant.. I will go mentally insane! I think Thurs night ill go home and I guess My mom and sis r gettin together w/ Anutie Jeanne an Emmy to go to Coach;s resturant to watch the Big East.. so I wanna go see them and then Ry and Ally hopefully r comin here fri night so they can bring me back to school... And FUCK WORK! And We dont have r Chem test b4 break so I wont have much work at all this weekend and ill be done w/ my practical.... oo man I CANT WAIT!!!

Untill then I have to do:
-- 2 final papers for Italian Renassiance.. then no more of that class SWEET
-- The whole Chpt 4 hmwrk set for organic monday... ya
--Study for 2 Organic Quizzes... :o(
-- Chem Lab 4 Mon
--Chem Pre-lab 4 Mon

BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok time to unanxiety myself... haha thats not a word but thats ok..... BYE
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