Mar 05, 2006 00:44
well ive been livin it up here lately.....havent updated in awhile because tellin everybody what im doin all the time doesnt make sense tired of lookin at the damn depressing update i made......or thats what brittany osbourne
been gettin over alot of things...hangin out with a few ppl and cruising between walmart and Mcdonalds.....THERE IS NO WHERE ELSE TO GO.....SOMEBODY HELP THIS REGION!!!!!
had to go to driving school today......i was late because i couldnt get up this morning...somebody turned my tv and stereo off this morning so i didnt wake ......
met a group of girls in the school...really made 8 hours of driving school interesting....and bythe way....ive never met somebody so perverted than a girl that goes to what is SUPPOSED to be an extremely religious college...king between her flippin m the bird and stealing my pencil and gummy worms..theres gotta b a few commandments broken there
we got a hour and a half lunch break so we all headed to walmart.....saw ol kayla finally had to ask her about somebody in was great
saw ol danica today after school in walmart today.....never seen her cut a corner so fast in my was halarious.......hope she didnt hurt
met ol justin bishop and hung with him for awhile and we met V talkin about how Scott Stidham and Garret Mccoy is goin to Jail for arceny.....we cant believe what kind of fuck heads they are.....members of the fire squad catchin stuff on fire....
me aqnd bishop head on to mccdonalds in wise where i met a few interesting ppl...
MEISHA...if ur readin this u better add me.....and sam too...look me
hope bishop hooks up with brittany osbourne...they were basically inseperable tonight...except for when me and bishop headed to applebees and got hooked up with some drinks from the BAR.....we got the hook up....we call it...APPLEBEES..."BARSIDE-TO-GO"....we gotta patent that
asked a girl out to prom friday...never see her because she's in child care and they dont get gonna get back to me on that...its a issue because proms a month away...and my prom date ditched me....kind of a bitch thing to do....but it i gotta compensate...if i dont get a prom date with her..i dont what im gonna guys can go last minute shopping easy...u all girls gotta plan this shit for 6 me luck...hope she says yes...
greg....u know leavin that dog in your truck for two hours tonight was was freezing man....thats animal cruelty...its only a puppy...but oh was alive when we got
i discovered a halarious comedian.....he's in that 70's show and the movie ED....this guy has long black hair and he's laid back....he's so funny ...the shit he talks about really isnt that funny......but the way he says it makes it halarious...
he died like 2 years ago but i still respect his comedy...heres a little something he talks about
"I went to a concert in New York city...they were a heavy metal band.....they were HEAVY boy....the singer had no shirt on and had long leather pants...and was playin like a flying V guitar..and he stands on the monitor..and says...HOW MANY OF YOU PPL FEEL LIKE HUMAN BEINGS TONIGHT?.....and then he said....HOW MANY OF YOU PPL FEEL LIKE ANIMALS...and the thing is.....everybody cheered after the animals part.....but i cheered after the human being part......because....i didnt know that there was a second part to the question....yea...i said YES I DO FEEL LIKE A HUMAN.....I DO NOT FEEL LIKE A TREE...i dont have a girlfriend..i just know a girl that would get really mad if she heard me say that....
i got into an arguement with a girl in a tent...and this isnt a really good place for an arguement...because then i tried to walk out..and slam the are u supposed to express your anger in this situation......zipper it up really quick?
i like to play golf.....i never made a hole in one or anything....but i DID hit a guy...and that is way more satisfying.....your supposed to yell fore....but i was too busy mumblin to my self...there aint no way it is gonna hit him...
I like baked potatoes.....i dont have a microwave takes forever to make them in a coventional oven...sometimes i just throw one in there...even if i dont want the time its done....WHO KNOWS?
i was standin by the door of a casino one time..and the security guard came up to me and ur gonna have to move..u are blocking the fire if there was a fire, i wasnt goin to run......if you are flammable and have legs...ur not blockin a fire exit
i played in a death metal band....ppl either loved us or hated us...or thought we were OK......alot of metal bands have intense names like rigermortis..or mortuary...or obituary.....we werent that intense...we just went with ...INJURED
acid is great.....acid expanded my mind...because of acid i know that butter is way better than margrine...i saw through the bullshit...
i wanna be a race car passenger.....just the guy who buggs the driver...say man...can i turn on the radio? shoud slow down....why we gotta keep goin in u really like TIDE
(this is the best one of all>>>)
when we were on acid we would go into the woods...because when we were in the woods trippin there was lesslikey a chance of running into an authority figure..but we ran inot a BEAR...and that was even more of a buzz friend dwayne was standin there raisn his right hand...swearin to help prevent forest fires....we got away from the bear, he puts his arm around me and says....smokey is way more intense in person...i went to England to tell jokes and i had to ask the english ppl if they knew who smokey the bear was...but they DONT..because in England...smokey the bear isnt the forest fire prevention representative..they have....smacky the frog....its alot like a bear but its a frog..but i think its a better system i think we should adopt it..because bears can be MEAN...but frogs are always cool...there never hasnt been a frog hoppin toward me.....and i thought man....i better play comes that frog...ive never said here comes that frog in a horrifying manner...its always like comes that frog....all right.....maybe he will settle near me....and i could pet him.....and put him in mayonaise jar.....with a stick and a recreate what he's used to.....
leave me some...unless u hate me....then fuck off....