Apr 27, 2009 19:45
The Book Fair was so sweet. Justin and I must have bought 50 books between us and it was half price day. Bonus! We got to the fair, split up and while searching for ourselves tried to pick a book that the other person would read or should read. Out of the entire collection, we both came back with different versions of Zetti's TV Production Handbook. His was from the 80's and mine from the 60's. Too cool.
Work is crazy this week with NewsHour in town. Went to the Fed this morning for a town hall meeting. What an impressive facility. I really like the places I've gotten to see from this job. Tomorrow's another long day of work events, but should be fun.
This weekend we're going to Urbana for the Howie Day/Jason Mraz show and staying over for a mini vacation (sorely needed). May is going to fly by with this trip, graduation, becky's bday and bridal showers.
We rented Cooking Mama for the Wii and I must say it's a lot more satisfying on the DS. It's too hard on the Wii :( So it's back to Tennis for us. We'll be pro in no time.
Work renewed my freelance contract, which means I'm good and employed for awhile. Phew.