Gah, a black eye? Is not my best look. And hurts like a son of a bitch. The swelling on the bridge of my nose has gone down a little, at least. I swear, I should have called the cops on that psycho girl at the bar, but I had a splitting headache when I got back to my apartment. And I was trying to figure out if I knew the girl and from where, but try as I might, I couldn't come up with anything.
Until last night. I had the dream again, of the lightning nearly hitting me, and saw her. Faintly outlined, ethereal, but it was her. The bitch in the dream was the same bitch who punched me at the bar. But how? When the lightning struck, I saw a phantom woman, but now somehow she's real? Solid? Was she the ghost who's been dogging me for weeks? Or a witch who can become invisible?
Whoever she is, she knows Stefan--I saw them going into a grocery store together. I was all incognito, big glasses to cover up the black eye and all, I don't think they saw me. But if she was with him, chances are she does know Taffy, too. Somehow it's all connected, but I can't put my finger on exactly how.
I need help. I just don't have enough firepower on my own to deal with someone who may have unprecedented magical power, not to mention a mean left hook. And I remembered where I could find it...for a price. If he's even still around. Back in high school, shortly after I tried my first big spell, to detect magic, I stumbled onto a house in the middle of a parking lot downtown, and met him. Rack. Scared the living daylights out of me by giving me a magical buzz that lasted for two days, and I really cut back on the magic for a while after that.
Well, now I need him. Need the quick fix, the shortcut. Time for another detect magic spell...and who knows? It might just turn up Stef's redheaded friend, too.