Title: Look at the stars, look how they shine for you
blueeyelinerxRating: PG
Fandoms: Heroes, Veronica Mars
Characters: Claire Bennet, Logan Echolls
Word Count: 293
Prompt: Cold
Spoilers: S2 for Heroes, set somewhere during S2 for VM but no real spoilers
Summary: She hates it here in California, where the sun is always shining and she can never get warm.
Claire spends a lot of time looking at the sky.
It’s unhealthy, she knows, but Nathan’s dead in Texas and her dad’s back with the Company, and she’s all alone again and not even Peter’s reappearance can appease her. So she looks at the stars because it gives her hope that maybe there’s something else out there. And sometimes, if she squints hard enough, she can see New York’s skyline in the inky black abyss.
She hates it here in California, where the sun is always shining and she can never get warm.
They move again and Claire spends her days walking the halls of her school, bored and numb. And at night, the stars mock her, winking bright and yellow until she sees them when she closes her eyelids, burned onto her retinas.
Logan joins her sometimes and Claire’ll never know how he found her that first time, on the hood of her car, looking through a clearing of trees behind the school but she’s come to expect the glare of headlights from his obnoxious SUV on exceptionally clear nights.
They don’t really talk and never acknowledge each other in the halls - he has that weird thing going on with Veronica and plus, he’s an 09er - but Claire thinks maybe they’re friends. There’s something reassuring in his quiet breathing, in his intense study of the heavens above. And it’s nice to have someone who doesn’t need to understand her obsession with the sky, who can just be content to look.
Next to her, Logan shifts his weight, crossing his long legs, and his arm brushes Claire’s. He offers her a shy smile and when Claire returns her gaze to the sky, she’s surprised to feel a warm blush grace her cheeks.