Jul 01, 2010 02:05
My past self was so stupid. Literally ignorant. I think that I thought those inane posts made me seem crazy and awesome.
I was absolutely wrong.
And time changes more things than any of us can ever anticipate. You grow up. You learn that life is nothing like you thought you knew. Life is a cruel woman out to crush your soul, but gives you nice presents here and there. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm "grown up" because that will never happen. Not in my mind anyway. No one on this Earth will ever grow up, because that phrase signifies a completion. If you're still learning, you're still growing.
"Well, what about death?" you say.
Well, when you die, you're dead and gone so what does that matter? Ha! Really though, I guess death means that technically you've grown to the absolute extent that you can, but it's still not the same as "growing up."
*sigh* Perhaps I'm circling myself here. Look, the point is, don't accept things as they are, for life is ever changing. You can never predict life's outcome, despite what you may think. You will ALWAYS learn something new, everyday. Your brain is designed to do so.
So get out there and learn something new, because you may grow up tomorrow and DIE.