Group Therapy...

Feb 04, 2006 14:15

Get this -- I actually got kicked out of my first group therapy. Can you believe it? It's not my fault that the first group I'm in had some chick who was afraid of clowns. That would be the quacks running this place's fault.


Okay, so I didn't have to pick the counselor's pocket for lipstick to draw a red nose, that was totally out of line, but still...funny!

I gotta say, I'm starting to feel like my old self again, though. Nothing like seeing someone scream in fear and then do a pratfall worthy of Dick Van Dyke to cheer me up. The docs have a fun project for us, too! Of course, it's been designed to keep our minds off the fact that we're stuck in the funny farm on Valentine's, something I prefer to forget myself or otherwise I'll start getting all broody again. We're putting on a talent show!! And if there's one thing I am, it's multi-talented!!

The biggest pain is that whatever we do has to be approved of by the docs. Whatever happened to letting a patient have their own creative flow? Of course, some cow already signed up to do the song I wanted to sing! Bitch. Adaline just did it because she knew I liked Roxie Hart. She's one of the girls in my therapy group and thinks she's Queen of the Psychos. 'Course, now that I'm getting my sparkling personality back, I'm taking the spotlight and she just can't stand that.

The admin won't let me sing my second choice, either. Seems that Blondie's One Way Or Another is a bit too stalkerish for them. Party poopers.

Oh well, I'll think of something. Something spectacular, a big hit!! I'm beginning to remember just why I wanted to do my internship at Arkham: I wanted to be famous. Not that I'll get famous singing in some Kansas Nut Hatch.

Still, I wanna win just to wipe the smug smile off Miss Adaline's face!

Gotta run, we're doing arts and crafts and get this...we're actually weaving baskets! Whoever is in charge of this funny farm is either dense or has a good sense of humor. I wonder if I could use some of the raffia to make a noose and slip it around Adaline's neck while she's watching reruns of game shows? She is the Weakest Link! Bye-bye!
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