Jun 26, 2007 14:31
I've come to discover that I only update this thing anymore for one of two reasons: a) I'm very happy about something or b) I'm sad/depressed about some ridiculous reason or another. I've also noticed that it goes in a pattern of up and down.
I'm really not as bi-polar as I must seem, I swear.
What I was originally going to write was a long tirade on the nature of suburbia, but then I realized the last thing I wrote was about as equally mopey.
So, in keeping with my unintentionally self imposed manic-depressive pattern I will write about something happen, more just to keep writing then anything else (alwaysjustkeepwriting)
Yesterday, Kris and I went surfing/sitting on the beach. Gosh damn I love surfing, though I haven't gone out in over ten years. Yesterday was altogether a re-learning process, as apparently surfing is nothing like riding a bike. I'm nowhere close to being decent again, but I was so happy just doing it again! So after my lesson, I sat in the sand and watched Kris surf and the other people around me.
Sitting in the sand, in sun, by the water, I though, "I love where I am right now." It was very much like an Incubus song, haha.
This isn't the coherency I was looking for, which seems to be something I'm cursed with.
I am good. Really good, actually. Can't let myself forget that.