Oct 05, 2008 19:17
i is not so emo.
i just have midterms.. lots of fun eh? i get to study excise and profit taxes tonight cause thats what i know the least about in my economics class. were doing micro if you were wondering.
im also listening to lots of older american "folk" music, more specifically african american blues/religious/early music; anglo american traditional/religious, the folk revival (my favorite along with anglo american ballads and classic blues) and other such stuff.
this weekend i didnt really do much but i did get some work done which is nice. me and carrie didnt really get to have sustained conversations but she was out there making friends and aserting herself which is good for her even if it means i get neglected a little, cause it wahts she wants to do as an independent person and i try as hard as i can to respect that. its hard sometimes and ive definitely taken it out on her..
so here i am alone in my dorm, studying, wating for carrie to come back and such. ECON ECON ECON! hooray, its necessary i do well on this final cause i need an A in this class to help get me into the business school. if i get in that would be great. Haas is #3 in the nation in undergrad. 95% are hired 3 months out of school, but i figure if i want to take a year off after college OR do that and then grad studies ill still be able to get a job. (and average starting salary is 57,000 not bad although with this economy who knows what the future is.. luckily i have a supportive family and so does carrie, as in they will be able to support us not only in what we each decidet do but help us survive haha, and im sure thats going to be harder for her to do in ohio haha.)
anyway this week after my midterms are done (monday and tuesday) i get a reprive from school stuff, but only after i write the first draft of a history paper that is suppose to be 5 to 6 pages long.. luckily i have no MusicAC class thursday and no econ section monday so that lets me study and work on the paper. i also need a visual collage to my MusicAC paper which i did in about 3 hours haha. I barely fit it in the 2/3 pages we were allowed, I nEEDED MORE!! haha.
anyway, i just gotta stay on track this week and i should be fine. I HAVE to stay on track causeim tabling a show tuseday night and doing training at the radio station thursday night and i DONT want to be up till 4 or 5 AM like my roommate was for his first big project of the year.. fuck you history papers. this is a bit harder than a vargish paper though so im not too worried.
hop everyone is doing well in college or at high school, i hear your getting weird weather in the south? hahah, its pretty consistent and comfortable up here. its sweater and pants weather which is nice. it also means i can wear Tshit/vest/sweaterorhoodie combo which i love. and when i dont have Tshirts i can wear my long sleeve plaid ones!! (but i need to wash them all hahah along with my bedsheets and such.)