Apr 06, 2005 15:04
Today's journal entry sponsered by the Letter "S"
and the word of the week.."Slacker"
..by definition...
adj. slack·er, slack·est
1. Moving slowly; sluggish: a slack pace.
2. Lacking in activity; not busy: a slack season for the travel business.
3. Not tense or taut; loose: a slack rope; slack muscles. See Synonyms at loose.
4. Lacking firmness; flaccid: a slack grip.
5. Lacking in diligence or due care or concern; negligent: a slack worker. See Synonyms at negligent<--this would be me this week..
6.Flowing or blowing with little speed: a slack current; slack winds.
More slang like definition which also pertains to me:
1. One who shirks work or responsibility: “In terms of their outlook on the future, slackers regard tomorrow with a studied cynicism or... don't even conceive of one” (Julie Caniglia).