One Year, One Month...weird

Jun 18, 2008 21:09

So, I haven't written in forever. I haven't even been to the livejournal website since I got this computer. Shall I update the world on my life? Well, actually, after reading my friends page, I noticed that every single entry was of the darling KTK. So I guess this is kind of an entry to you dahling.

My last few entries were during practicum. Man, sleep was a beautiful thing. Then I started student teaching, and I just couldn't get enough of the sleep action. I made it through student teaching. I passed. Then there was a glitch in the computer that said I failed miserably, and that had to be fixed. Then I got a letter from BSU saying I didn't have everything complete for graduation. Actually, my advisor just hadn't updated my files. Thanks a lot.

Oh, in there Darren and I decided that we should get hitched and he formally asked me, by way of police search. I tried to call you dahling, but there was no answer. So impatient me just emailed you. Looking back, that was kinda crappy. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

I am still a horrible procrastinator. I have five million things to do, that really would not be that horrible or painful to do, not nearly as painful as some of the crap that I did in college, and I just really don't care enough to do it. What is that? I am so freakin lazy. But I did rearrange my room. And put up a book shelf. So I get bonus points for that. But I put the top part on backwards so some of the particle board is showing instead of the finished part on the edges. Instead of taking it apart and doing it right, I'm just painting it. Minus bonus points. But I'm afraid I would ruin the bookshelf if I took it apart and put it back together.

I have a kitten. She is adorable. And she thinks that attacking me while I type is a game.
Oh, well, maybe I should mention that we put Blackie down in the Spring. It was hard. But I was at school, so it made things way easier on me than on Darren a month or two later when he put his Beagle down. We got them the same year, I was in Kindergarten, so however old that is. Really frickin old for a dog. Anyhoo, Darren is not a kitty person, so in order for him to feel some attachment I had him pick her out and name her. She's a brown and grey tiger/leopard. (on one side she has stripes, the other she has spots) She was the runt, so that is half the reason he picked her. The other half was because she had blue eyes. (He didn't know that all kittens have blue eyes for awhile). Went back and forth between Bentley and Royce. He picked Royce. Well, he was leaning toward it, we started calling her Royce, then she started answering to it, so it stuck.

I'm working at Wendy's for the summer. Boo. It didn't seem that bad in high school. But after doing student teaching and holding summer jobs that are way less....wendy's....I really don't like it any more. I'm quitting at the end of July though. I haven't really told them. I think they are assuming though. Hopefully. I don't know, I kinda led them to believe that I would still work on weekends if I was in Huntington. Oh PS I got a job teaching Spanish at Huntington North. So, I might move there or something. Who knows?

My parents are making me pay $25 a week while I'm living at home. I don't have to start paying until I get paid. Which means that when I get my first paycheck, I'll owe them $200. What the crap? Darren's mom says that's bullcrap. I say whatever.

I really would like my stimulus check. I am thinking that I have either been overlooked, didn't make enough to get anything, or it just isn't coming because I am Uncle Sam's most unfavorite niece.

And that is about the story of my life.
Ok, you're updated. Things appear to be fine, for now. If I choose to, I can make my life really great right now. But I'm too lazy. Maybe I should work on that....
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