(no subject)

Jan 15, 2005 21:36

I’m here in New York again. I’m posting to LJ to wind down a bit before I go to bed. My brain is just buzzing, for a couple of reasons. One thing is that my head is so full of JSA history that it‘s about to pop. Although really it’s history of the All Star Squadron. That’s what they called it when all the “mystery men” (as they were called back then) got together into one big team during WWII. It’s kind of like when the JLA, the JSA, the Titans and Young Justice had to team up to fight Klarion the Witch Boy? Sorta. Anyway, Mr. Terrific said that I should stop there. Can’t fit too much into my head at once. *grin*

Oh, and Dinah? I didn’t see anything about your mom by herself, just in pictures and articles with her teammates. But I’ll still keep an eye out.

The other thing that’s got my head all muddled is that I saw a friend tonight that I hadn’t seen in a while. When I was with Young Justice… before Darkseid… because of weird things like teammates running off to swamps in Louisiana and getting pulled into alternate timelines or something weird like that, I got left behind a lot with Ray. Ray’s cool. He’s a little bit older that Cassie and Kon and the rest of them and he has these cool light powers and he’s kinda cute and… *sigh*

Anyway, he’d dropped by JSA headquarters to ask Green Lantern something, and somebody told him that I was there, so he stuck his head in the storage room where Kendra and I were looking through stuff. I ran over to give him a hug because I hadn’t seen him in months and months. That’s when things got a bit awkward, and I don’t know why. I just got all shy and could think of anything to say, and it was weird! Ray and I could talk about almost anything! Even when I was being all scary before… just before. I don’t understand it.

Well, Star just stuck her head in and said it’s time to go to bed. *grin* Not that we’ll sleep anytime soon. We’ve got munchies, we’ve got movies, and we’re going to be up for a while. But the “big people” want us in bedrooms fairly early. Got to go.
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