Hope Still Lives On?

Dec 23, 2003 19:05

I fell, this time I won't get up

It time for me to give up

I'm tired of trying and nothing going right

I'm tired I throw in this sword of fight

This soul of confusion slowly decays in a body unworthy of such a gift

My spirits need more than just a lift

The sissors are an inch away from disaster

The pain this way come must faster

Soaked in tears shed from the life of you

I sit inside my tomb thinkin and plotting of what to do

I'm sorry I killed this way of hope

But, I could no longer truge up this emotional slope

I needed to rip away from all this deception

The last words are one of election

"Don't forget to breath,

Don't forget to leave

Don't forget the scars and brusies

Don't forget the wins or loses."

With this I'm gone

Believe everything is wrong.

Hiding on the other side of this reeper

This kiss is the only keeper

The Blood is drips

It's all leaving my finger tips

Good - Night

It seems the stars take offence to me meeting you here

It seems they hate the love and the safety that is near

Maybe its my gate  to this hallways of forshakeness that scares them so deeply

I wish it was my eyes that were sleepy,

But only my soul wants to rest

I couldn't do that to myself and all which count on the best

It's not like we talk, or take care

It's just you with a blank stare

I'm sick of your disease, and you constantly need of a cure

You distroying everything in me that was once pure.

You shatter the words that were once in my thoart

I sail away on these thoughts on my whispering boat

Tonight's the night when I shine

Tonight's the night I dine...


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