ana is stupid as all hell. blah <;3

Jun 28, 2005 01:37

oh im hurt. but its okay cause the ppl that love you the most hurt you the most right?
is that how its supposed to work cause thats gay.

i talked to my pd today
he's amazing. i love him so so so much.
i miss palatine so friggin much!!!
this weekend i got to go to my gf jenny's house
we played with fire sparklers bottle rckets and teddys
i got to see my diana sweety aw shes gorgeous
and jen and victor had their sexual tension
they are both hott as hell
jenny and i made her bf chris vincent jealous yay! lol
i had a really great weekend it sucks that one person
can ruin that for you. i really hate ppl. they are capable of so much.
iv been getting to talk to anthony late at night a lot lately
yayayayayay!! that boy is fucking amazinggg. oh wat a beaner he is.
we get to be at 5 months on the 31st oh he makes me so happy.
kelly loves my italian stallion also. OH ANTHONY YOUR A BABE!
i love you more htan nething in the world and then some. pff more than that.
i dont like drivers ed. i hav to wake up early tomorow and here its like 2 soon.
i cant sleep i hav a lot of trouble sleeping lately. going back to old habits i think.
waking up ealry to go to crown is gay. i want my summer of freedom with my friends and bf!!
blah call me sometime if you ever want to hang out 847-428-3605. is my numero.
i hav to do my hw so i gtg night night.

love forever,
annie babie

p.s. i like comments <3
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