[There's the pop of a camera feed flickering on, and a woman sitting squarely in the center of the picture. Her long, brown hair is occupying itself around her shoulders in a energetic fashion she can't be bothered to maintain -- in the sense she hasn't really considered it at all. Just behind her is bedroom decorated in warm tones and dominated by
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Comments 95
[And he's off to try and track her down by scent alone. But he's still got his communicator, so, you know, Fred can tell him things while he's looking. Like her room number, that would be useful.]
I's nice to meet you.
Hi. I'm Buffy. [And hopes Fred will know who she is. She knows who she is right? It's not like Buffy's a common name..] I, uh, you work with Angel, right? [She smiles, although it's a little strained by the awkward situation and her uncertainty.]
[The girl with the funny name. Only, of course she's more than that. Some words mean more not for what's in its letters, but for how people react to it. Buffy would always be one of those for her.
She's never, ever forgetten how everything changed her first night back from Pylea when they found Willow sitting in the lobby. It wasn't just Angel's face, it was everyone's. It wasn't just the air they breathed, it was how they breathed it.
Everything was different. Because of Buffy. She could still feel it weeks later, up in her room.
That was even accounting for the way she managed to follow them all the way to Wolfram & Hart. Spike's presence seemed to bring even more things to the surface, and some days Angel seemed downright petulant.
She can't ever imagine her name carrying that much weight.
Realizing she's just sitting there, head working busily, Fred collects herself with a smile]
I can't believe I'm meeting you -- well, talking to you.
Anything bad you've ever heard is a lie. [She jokes. Mostly.] It's nice to meet you, Fred.
I mean -- when I actually ever get to getting back?
[She and Willow had made a point to keep in touch, especially after reensouling Angel. It always seemed best to know who was where, and there was something to be said for a good ramble on the phone. And unlike Angel, who always did his best stoic faces when Buffy was involved? Willow actually said things]
Have you been here long?
If you think this is cool, you should see my starship.
[Her voice is light and friendly with still more than a hint of home]
You have your own ship? Here?
You'll have to tell me about it sometime.
[And she means specifically. Design. Engine. Energy source. She's that sort of girl]
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