May 15, 2011 03:13
[There's the pop of a camera feed flickering on, and a woman sitting squarely in the center of the picture. Her long, brown hair is occupying itself around her shoulders in a energetic fashion she can't be bothered to maintain -- in the sense she hasn't really considered it at all. Just behind her is bedroom decorated in warm tones and dominated by a bed with a multi-colored quilt. It's comprised of dozens of small squares, all bits of fabric that suggest a care and history she couldn't have possibly had with this place yet]
[Fred pulls a face. She knows enough about first impressions to understand that is far from acceptable]
I'm Fred. [Of course that isn't any better. She settles on the idea of a smile, full and determined and cast directly at the camera] So this is new...
Only, new really isn't the right word is it? [An off-glance, as she seemingly takes stock of her surroundings again, and all in all seems to categorize them as fairly friendly] Not when you account for portals and hell dimensions and inter-dimensional, formerly evil law firms. And L.A. We should probably just go ahead and include that while we're at it, especially considering some of the things I ...
[She catches her own ramble]
And we're in space. Not just theoretically, 'what could possibly happen if' but actually, specifically space. It's not just math anymore. It's...
Different, then. [There's numbers. Calculations and formulas and physics and excitement. That she wears just about everywhere] This is different.
And I'm Fred.
[If her smile flickers into something a little more uncertain? It's no less determined. Until it fades, replaced by the same bright expression from before]