Hi, new member here! I'd just like to know what you guys think of my first AF fic I've worked on in a while (I wrote about 13 chapters of one ages ago, but never finished it. Ah well). So, here 'tis:
Title: The Business
Author: My chilly-fingered self. My ff.net username is Caethilia Mordon
Category: Mystery/Sci Fi
Rating: M
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Summary: This fic is experimental in that the story is told through a dfferent character's eyes every chapter. The basic plot is that Artemis is vying to inherit the position of Manager of the Business, a corporation so all-encompassing that no one actually knows it exists. If Artemis does not win the position, he will... cease to exist. Secrecy is that important.
Link to story:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2903963/1/ Hope you like :) Please comment!