Now, before I post this, I need to explain something. My friend Alex requested that someone write and Butler/OC fic, and I accepted the challenge. This is an unfinished fic, but it is close to be being finshed, about halfway at 13 and a half chapters. So, I would appreciate comments, criticisms or praise, but please, don't flame me for my OCs. And, yes, I am planning a sequel. Here's chapter one.... we'll see how it goes and I'll post the rest. ♥ Oh, yeah, and since it's almost bedtime... I'll fix the HTML later, 'kay? And the spelling too... I need a beta tester.... *groans*
Introducing... :)
Title: Girl's Got Game (Chapter One)
Author: Raspberry Fog
Category: Romance/Humor/General
Pairings:Butler/OC, Artemis/OC
Warnings:None really.
Summary: When 17 year old Artemis is invited to come to a small town called Jillian, in New York, to work on a project with another child genius, Butler falls head over heels... for the other child genius's bodyguard. But, when Butler's new found love changes in him a way that is holy and hard to explain, he forgets about the fairies completely...which is bad news for the victims of the accident that could take away all of the people Butler cares about most...
**.x: X: x.Chapter One.x:X:x.**
The rented Land Rover pulled drove up the smooth driveway, heading for a huge, almost castle like, house, surrounded by woods. The driveway was lined with apple trees, in full blossom. A few of the white petals landed on the windshield, and Butler used the windshield wipers to scoot them away. They were a distraction, they could cause a wreck.
A saying came to Artemis’s mind. As American as apple pie, which isn’t really true in the first place. Apple pie was European to begin with. Artemis sighed. The last time he was in America, Butler had died, sort of, and Artemis had come too close for comfort. The SUV pulled up to the huge wooden doors, and they climbed out.
“I wish you would’ve let me drive, Butler,” complained Artemis. “I’ve had my licsense for almost two years now.” “I don’t know, Artemis,” said Butler, doubtfully. “I’ve had my licsense for much longer, and even I had a problem driving today. New Yorkers drive like mad men.”
The climbed the two or three stone steps to the huge doors. Just before Artemis reached to ring the bell, the door was opened by a tall slender woman. She had long brown hair, tucked into a neat braid, and was wearing blue jeans and a black baby-tee that said “SECURITY” in big yellow letters.
“Hello,” she said, cheerfully. “You must be the Fowl boy we’ve been expecting. Leah has been talking non-stop.” She had a slight Russian accent, and a small gun strapped to her hip. Artemis shivered, but Butler treated it as if he saw it everyday. Which, in his line of work, you probably do. Artemis shook it off and asked “Leah? You mean, Leah Purdue? Ah, then you must be-…” “Aeriel Bidikov, I’m her… bodyguard.” She said it as if she she were something else.
A girl’s voice sounded from the top of the staircase. “Aeriel! Aeriel, I’ve lost my glasses, again!” A body to fit the voice appeared. She ran straight into the banister, and then squinted. “That’s him? Isn’t he a little… big?” she said, with a New York accent. She was pointing directly at Butler. Artemis chuckled, Aeriel laughed at loud, and Butler looked slightly uncomfortable. “Miss Purdue, your glasses are on the computer desk where you left them.. You go find them while I show our guests to the parlor.”
Leah nodded, and raced off, bumping into a wall on her way. Aeriel nodded at them, and said “This way. Leah will join us shortly. Poor thing. She’s so forgetful. But, you know, it’s her fault she wears the glasses.”
Artemis cocked an eyebrow. “Really? How?” Aeriel shook her head. “Partly because she is always on a computer. The rest she’ll talk to about later. I’m not permitted to talk about it.”
The parlor was a pleasant room. There was a small couch, some bookcases, an antique looking lamp, and a bowl of peppermints. Aeriel popped a mint in her mouth. “Leah is quite excited about this project. It has some bugs to work out, but that’s why we contacted you.”
She sat in a comfortable looking armchair. Butler and Artemis took a seat on the couch opposite to it. “What kind of project is it, Miss Bidikov?” asked Artemis. Aeriel held a slender finger to her lips. “I’m not supposed to tell. Yet. Leah wants to show you, tomorrow, after you rest and are acquainted with the manor.” “That’s very considerate of you,” Artemis murmured. He really wanted to know about this project. “We’ll fetch your luggage from the car later,” Aeriel said, glancing at the door. “Where is that girl?”
The blond-headed girl came into sight, wearing a pair of square, black rimmed glasses framing her huge blue eyes. She looked very young, a lot younger than Artemis expected. He guessed about ten years old. Amazing, thought Artemis. She must be a genius like me to have figured out such an important plan. If not, I came here for nothing.
Leah smiled. “I simply cannot wait to show you this project, Mister Fowl. You are going to love it.” She seemed very proud of herself. Artemis hoped this Amazing Project was worth spending a month in the states.
Okay, slightly pointless chapter. More to come.
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