Jul 24, 2008 12:44
So I guess I kind of suck at this LJ thing. I never update and all I ever post is Idol reviews, when I remember that is. I was reading my old entries and I want to try and update more often only because I liked to go back and read what I wrote. I'm vain and I like to read my own writing, oh and yeah the memories, I like those.
So everything has basically happened since my last update. A whole school year has gone by. I started and finished my first year of University, at McMaster. Lived in Hedden Hall, made a few great new friends even though I suck hard at making friends and had a pretty good time. Oh yeah and I did well with the whole school work part too. Most memorable moment would have to be not even reading The Social Contract and getting an A on the paper and having it called brilliant. That's right I didn't even read the material and my TA thought my paper was brilliant. Onto to 2nd year.
I'll be living in Whidden Hall this year, older and doesn't have private bathrooms which sucks or air conditioning, but I do get my own room which is cool. I got into the Multimedia program so I'll be doing a bunch of fun classes. I didn't get into the Graphic Design course even though I was signing up for courses at like 12:30 am, it was already full which blows. That said it should be a good year. I can't wait to go back, I miss hanging out with my Mac friends.
I finally managed to get a job for the Summer, but that didn't work out, but I got another one. I took months of trying but at least I'll make some money for school. I work at Sears Outlet Store, in the Linens department, so I fold Linens, clean up really messy shelves and help rude customers (and the occasional nice one).
I'm going to the AI7 concert on Saturday so that should be fun. I was supposed to go with Tara but now she can't go so I'm going with another friend instead. Still should be fun. I will melt into a pool of fangirlyness as soon as Mr. Cook walks onto the stage. Can't wait.
Not much else is new really. Just working a lot, occasionally doing something fun, awaiting the arrival of September 1st.