Why I Hate Being Short: The London X Files Premiere Story

Jul 30, 2008 20:31

Holy carp...the premiere was like 10x more exciting than I thought it would be.

I'm dying.

I ALWAYS get lost in the Convent Garden/Leicester Square areas in London. That's because London likes to be annoying, with like branches of streets as opposed to normal up and down and left and right. So I ended up being there later than I wanted to be, but I did get a decent view - right by the press cameras. Negatives were: At least 3 different boners poking my back (sorry for the language, but it's true) and I couldn't see well because I ain't that tall.

My pics are blurry and have an odd blue tinge (I took my old cam not my DSLR) and I had to hold it over my head so they're not too great BUT OMG THEY WERE ALL SO CLOSE!!! I'M DYING.

I love you so much, DD. There were so many screams and squeals for him it was crazy.

She is AMAZINGLY gorgeous. I can't get over how beautiful she is. HOLY CARP.

Hey Chris, do you not age, ever? It's incredible. I got a real unflattering facial expression of you - sorry buddy.

I'm so so so sad I didn't get a quality picture of them together. I was so excited it made my pics even blurrier. When they walked towards the cameras at the doors, he had his arm on her back and rubbing it and was like whispering in her ear. I DIED.

You can't see it really in the picture but David was at the left side of window and practicing his Queen/screwing-in-a-lightbulb wave. Then he came outside:

And he did the Queen Wave and then a little zip with his finger in the air.

A lot of random passerby were around and this was one exchange:

One girl was all, "Who is THAT?", all bitchy like. (about Frank) "Everyone is taking pictures of him." "THAT" I said, "is one of the writers/producers of the show and he worked on the movie".

And then I screamed loud for Frank because he wasn't getting enough love.

I was so irritated at seeing the people allowed to go into the movie. There were tons of emo kids sauntering up the red carpet and awfully dressed people. Come on! Wear a nice dress ladies, DON'T WEAR A JEAN JACKET TO A GODDAMN MOVIE PREMIERE. (Yes I saw this).

squee, tv: xfiles, movies, things i love, pics

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