One Year Ago, I:
o1. Was at home
o2. had no cash
o3. was broken hearted
o4. still hated the LPC
o5. was pretty scared about my future
2 Years Ago, I:
o1. was celebrating the finishing of my dissertation
o2. was getting nervous about finals
o3. gave up drinking
o4. was fearing leaving durham
o5. ...but i was living closer to better groups of friends than now
Yesterday, I:
o1. went to work
o2. came home from work
o3. made some chilli
o4. fell asleep
o5. did other boring stuff when you're winding down from the weekend
Today, I:
o1. reminicsed about saturday night AGAIN. particualary people's awful dancing and going home at 9pm.
o2. listened to my collegues talk about horrible things that guys talk about
o3. made paper cranes out of the notices sent round by hr dept
o4. helped orlando try out every chair at work and listened to him moan and not be able to make paper cranes
o5. chris c did my call monitoring. I am ace apparently. brilliant at my shite job.
Five Songs I Know All the Words To, Even Without the Music:
o1. 'kiss the bottle' - jawbreaker
o2. 'chimp in a three piece suit' king blues
o3. 'gone' bouncing souls
o4. 'understanding in a car crash' thursday
o5. 'shifty disco girl' helen love
Five Things I Would buy With $100,000,000,000:
o1. a dark room for people who like photographing like suzy and sim and lee and me as well obviously
o2. trip round the world, no planes - overland all the way
o3. my workplace. then we'd all stand around while they demolish it
o4. a whole row of houses in hyde park, then I'd knock em all into each other so we can all live in a big commune. Meat to be cooked outside only.
o5. a white cadillac; converted to run on biodiesel.
Five Bands Or Singers You've been listening to Lately:
o1. jawbreaker
o2. last days of april
o3. these arms are snakes
o4. bouncing souls
o5. alexisonfire
Top Five Locations I'd Like To Run Away To:
o2. australia
o3. jamaica
o4. japan
o5. portrush (haha!!)