(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 22:24

Just posting to say that I'm still alive. I'm just hardly ever on LJ anymore. x_x

Nothing new for me really. Got back from Fanime weeks ago and am now gearing up for Anime Expo. Other than that it's nothing new. I'm addicted to Wajas now. XD; Me and my digital/breedable pet obsessions... go figure.

Other than that... nothing else. o.o;; I feel a rant about my life feeling the same since I got out of high school coming on, but I'll resist. X3; Anime and video games does that to me.

OH! Before I forget to mention I did cosplay. :3 I am quite shocked at myself for having actually cosplayed only in skirts. That's right people, I, of all people, wore skirts.
Actually... for my Blue cosplay I wore a long jacket and my boxers underneath. XD; I was primarily Natsumi (GetBackers) and Blue (Wolf's Rain) but I had my Yomiko (Read or Die) cosplay as a fallback in case I wanted to be different. Before the con Ry and I had went searching through Thrift Stores and had obtained a secksy "Russian" trenchcoat that I also brought with me. XD
I'm sad I didn't dress up in Phoenix Wright clothes when everyone else dressed in it. Maybe someday I'll get off my arse and put Maya's cosplay together. XD;; Ah well.

I wonder how Anime Expo is gonna be. X3 Eh... we'll see.
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