(no subject)

May 13, 2007 21:26

Does anyone remember who I lent my Rufus Wainwright CDs? D:

Er... so yeah. Quick update.

Near the end of school; stressed out.
Work; it's okay.
Fanime; O_O; it's at the end of THIS month? *dies at the lack of cosplay preparation*

So that's how I am at this point. On a random note, I think it's mainly me and Mikie who obsess over Morning Musume, but homg Yossie has graduated. ;___; So sad. They apparently recruited two new members from China. o.O Should be interesting since the last girl they introduced was from Korea?
At some point I'll probably type up my list of Morning Musume vids, in case anyone wants to request or something.

On the anime report, I think you should all go and watch Lucky Star. <.< It's so fucking cute, SO CUTE. It just got released in Japan so there is only like... 5 episodes? But nonetheless it's amazing.
Ry showed me Elfen Lied which is another anime you should all go see. It's so awesome, bloody, angsteh, yet sad all at the same time.

I'm playing Okami right now. And I love it so, it's just... prefect in a ton of aspects. Traditional Japanese art style + wolf main character + 13 Gods + action game aspects = epic win. <3
Only thing I have to complain about is that it's a little easy. XP;

I think that about covers what's going on minus the stress and depression. But then again, that's nothing new. o.O
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