Sep 23, 2004 16:56
i got an interesting im the other day.
couldn't breath.
couldn't think straight.
Damn basterd won't ever leave me alone.
Someone very important and dear to me has changed me in many ways.... ways which i feel are good for me.
I am beginning to see things more positive and slowly have more trust in certain people.
Unfortunately, With the happiness comes the sorrow.
I see how some people are beginning to treat me and i feel sad.
Sometimes some people just don't want to talk to me at all.
But i want to thank this person who has helped me change.
Thank you very much for everything you have done. I hope i can be there
for you as you are there for me. Like you were there for me yesterday
even though you thought of leaving. You helped me out when i was down
and i wish i can repay you the same way.