VM fic--Closure

Oct 31, 2005 19:33

Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Duncan/Logan
Disclaimer: Rob Thomas owns all.
Summary: The last thing Duncan was expecting on Halloween was a drunken Logan to show up on his door step.
Spoilers: season 1
Author's Note: There are two endings to this, and I couldn't decide which I liked better, so I'm posting both. Oh, and thanks to snoopypez for the quick beta. :D


Halloween was always Lilly’s thing. She’d put up the decorations-ghosts made from old sheets, cardboard cutouts of Dracula and assorted other things she’d found at the dollar store, just to annoy her mother-and spent weeks deciding what costumes she and Duncan would wear.

Duncan never helped her to decide. When she asked his input, he’d just shrug and reply, “Can’t I just go as myself?” though living with Lilly, he knew the answer to that already.

She’d make a face at him and reply, “As scary as that is, Donut, it’s just simply not allowed. We must be fabulous.”

He’d roll his eyes and help her hang a plastic skeleton in the hallway, replying “And that includes cheesy costumes?”

She’d pick up one of the skeleton’s legs and poke Duncan with it, deciding resolutely, “Yes,” with a gleam in her eye and a lollipop in her mouth-she always got into the Halloween candy early, Lilly never could wait until she was supposed to.

That was their routine, they went through it every year, and Duncan liked it, no matter how put-upon he acted. Then, Lilly died, and everything changed.

This year, Duncan was sitting on the couch in his living room, watching some Charlie Brown Halloween special on TV and eating candy corn. It was never his favorite candy, but Lilly always liked it-it was colorful and full of sugar, just like her-and he wanted a way to feel close to her, even if it was eating stale over-sweetened candy that left a waxy coat on his tongue.

Duncan was surprised to hear someone knock on the door, wondering who the hell would trick-or-treat in a hotel and decided to ignore it, eyes on the television as Linus explained to Charlie Brown all about the Great Pumpkin.

He remembered watching this with Lilly when they were little. God, he missed her.

Duncan shut his eyes; brow furrowing when the knock at the door came again, trying to shut out the noise, but it was loud and erratic and after a couple moments, he could tell whoever was at the door wasn’t going to be going away anytime soon.

“Okay! I’m coming,” he yelled at the door, though the person on the other side probably couldn’t hear him.

When Duncan opened it, Logan practically stumbled onto him, leaning against the doorframe for support, a half empty bottle of Jack in one hand, his other still poised in mid-air to knock on the door. He looked up slowly, eyes glazed over with drunkenness and slurred, “Trick-or-treat, Duncan.”

This really wasn’t going to improve Duncan’s Halloween, he looked at Logan, a slight frown on his face, jaw clinching. The last thing he needed was his ex-best friend pouring himself onto Duncan’s doorstep at ten at night. “What do you want, Logan?” he said with practiced patience.

Logan gave him a smirk, “Are you this mean to all the kids who come to your door? Where’s your since of holiday spirit?” his sarcasm would be a bit more hard-hitting if he wasn’t swaying on his feet, wondering why he currently saw two of Duncan.

Duncan just stared at him for a moment longer, motionless, expressionless, before taking the slightest step back and opening his door wider to let Logan in.

A slow mocking smile came to Logan’s lips and he mumbled a ‘thanks’, walking in and flopping down on the couch, accidentally tipping over the bowl of candy corn as he settled down, taking another swig of Jack Daniels and almost shuddering.

Duncan bent down and righted the bowl, scooping the candy back into it before sitting down on the opposite side of the couch, settling down to watch Charlie Brown again, every once in a while giving Logan wordless glances.

What could he say anyway? What did you say when your best friend’s father kills your sister and then said best friend shows up on your doorstep on Halloween, drunk, when all you want to do is to go to sleep and forget you’re alive?

Slowly, Duncan leaned over and took the bottle from Logan, taking a sip himself, eyes still on the TV-he couldn’t bring himself to look at Logan yet.

They sat in companionable silence for a while longer before Logan shifted and sat up, tucking his legs under him, “You know, that Peppermint Patty is hot,” he said idly, pointing at the TV, as if to illustrate his point.

“Logan, it’s a cartoon,” Duncan took another drink of the alcohol.

Logan shrugged and stretched out again, because he feels antsy and wishes he could crawl out of his own skin. “She’s still hot.”

“You’ve been hanging around Dick too much,” Duncan replied and some how, with all of Logan’s shifting on the couch, his legs wind up flung over the arm of the couch and his head falls back lazily into Duncan’s lap.

Duncan doesn’t push him away.

Logan closes his eyes, “Halloween is a stupid holiday. …Lilly used to love it.”

Duncan’s attention is suddenly no longer on the television. “I know.”

“Remember last year when I dressed up as a pimp and she was my hooker?”

Duncan laughed at the memory and nodded, fingers carding through Logan’s hair unconsciously as he spoke, “And she made us go trick-or-treating, then we egged that house that gave us raisins instead of candy.” He shook his head at the memory.

Logan laughed, “Yeah and Lilly took all of the good candy and left you with the raisins and stale gum.”

“And we stayed up until five in the morning on a sugar buzz, just talking,” Duncan’s voice was just sort of soft and sad now.

Logan reached for the Jack Daniels again, managing to spill half of it before he even got it to his mouth. “I don’t remember what we said,” he admitted, bringing the bottle to his lips.

When he had taken a drink, Duncan grabbed it away again and leaned down, kissing Logan. It wasn’t a soft kiss, he didn’t kiss Logan how he kissed Veronica. This one was hard and bitter and sloppy with classing teeth and biting lips until skin gave way to ruby red blood, mouth filling with metallic regret and bitter whiskey loss.

Logan melted into the kiss, his hand coming to the back of Duncan’s neck, pulling him down closer, just holding the other boy’s lips to his while his tongue slid past his best friend’s lips and clashing for dominance with Duncan’s.

Usually Duncan would demure and let someone else lead, but not tonight. Tonight, Lilly was the only thing on his mind and maybe by being with Logan, he’d get a little bit closer to her. Lilly wouldn’t let him dominate either, but he needed it tonight. He needed this.

Original Ending

Logan sat up into the kiss, arms around Duncan’s shoulders, legs tangling with his own in an effort to get even closer, making them both tumble off the couch.

When Duncan hit the floor, he accidentally bit Logan’s tongue and both boys pulled away, looking into each other’s eyes, waiting for the other’s reaction before giving one.

Duncan was the first one to crack a smile and soon they were both laughing.

“Your couch is too small,” Logan told him, eating a handful of candy corn before settling down on the floor, back against the couch, eyes once again on the TV.

The moment between them had passed and they were back on the solid ground of friendship. It was probably for the best, anyway, and Duncan told himself not to be disappointed, as he settled next to Logan, glancing at him when he made a face and picked up another piece of candy corn, looking at it. “Jesus, these are awful. I’ll never understand why Lilly loved them.”

Duncan smiled softly and took the piece of candy corn out of his friend’s hand, turning it over in his, just looking at it. “I won’t either.” But at the moment, that was okay, and this was a funny sort of closure, but closure all the same.

Alternate Ending

Logan shifted to a sitting up position before Duncan pushed him down again, crawling on top of him. Duncan’s fingers slid up under Logan’s shirt, nails digging in, raking the skin and he gave his best friend another hard kiss before sliding down the length of his body, clumsy hurried fingers working on Logan’s belt buckle.

If he had paused and given himself a chance to think, he wouldn’t be sure why he was doing this. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he doubted it. He’d wanted to do this for a long time.

Logan closed his eyes and shifted his hips upward toward Duncan, mumbling something Duncan couldn’t hear.

Duncan sat back for a moment, slipping Logan’s jeans past his hips before reaching out to palm the hard outline of his best friend’s cock through his boxers-they were black with little orange jack-o-lanterns on them and Duncan would have laughed then, if he wasn’t so completely numb.

Instead, he just pulled them past Logan’s hips too and leaned down, tentatively licking along Logan’s length.

Logan’s hips rose again and his breath came out in a pleasant hiss making Duncan continue his actions, opening his mouth and deliberately trying not to think as he took the other boy in.

Duncan would have liked to say it was romantic or sweet, something that would bring them closer together and dissolve all the self-imposed walls between them that they’d erected in the wake of Lilly’s death-but it didn’t. It was odd and almost technical as Duncan’s jaw began to ache and he tried to use just the right about of tongue and a light scraping of teeth.

Logan came quicker than he’d like to admit and it was Lilly’s name-not Duncan’s-his lips when he tensed, moaning and spilling into Duncan’s mouth.

When it was over, Duncan sat back on the couch, wiping his mouth with the edge of his thumb contemplatively.

Silently, Logan zipped up his jeans and sat up as well, on the opposite side of the couch from Duncan.

Silence hung tense and heavy in the air, until Duncan felt he had to break it or they’d be stuck, just like this, forever. “Want something to drink-coffee?”

Logan shrugged and still didn’t look at Duncan when he walked by him and to the small kitchen that was just off the living room in his hotel room.

Duncan wasn’t really in the mood for coffee either, but it gave him something to do, to keep his mind off everything.

When he returned to the living room, the door was wide open and Logan was gone. Duncan couldn’t say he was surprised, really. That’s what Logan did when he couldn’t handle things-he left.

With a soft, sad, smile, Duncan realized he’d taken the bowl of candy corn with him. Duncan was almost happy to be rid of this memento of his sister.

He stared at the open door for a long time, a sour taste in his mouth from the booze and Logan, but at least it covered up the sticky sweetness of the candy and it was a weird sort of closure, but it worked all the same.

vm fic

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