VM fic-- Two Wrongs

Oct 24, 2005 18:08

Two Wrongs
Rating: R
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Duncan/Cassidy, Duncan/Logan
Disclaimer: If I owned these characters, there would be a lot more boykissing on the show. Rob Thomas owns all.
Summary: When he's with Duncan, Cassidy decides that this whole 'family scandal' thing might not be so bad.
Spoilers: through Cheatty Cheatty, Bang Bang
Author's Note: Thanks to everysingleway for the beta. :D And just as a general note, I know Duncan is staying in a hotel now, not his parents house, but just pretend, because in the context of the fic, it makes more sense.

Two Wrongs

Cassidy hasn’t been to school in three days. Ever since his father’s big real estate thing, going to school just seemed so…like, whatever. He couldn’t deal with the stares and the whispers, even if they were only half as bad as the ones about Duncan and Logan after Mr. Kane and Mr. Echolls were arrested.

Dick hasn’t missed a day, of course. Though he did kick some guy’s ass after second period that first day, because he was talking shit about their family. Funny, he even defended their stepmother, but then again, he liked her. He just wanted to be a family, no matter who was a part of it.

Not Cassidy. He was just so over it all-the drama.

Or he was hiding.

But he preferred to think he was just above it all, and that was why he’d spent three days holed up in his room, eating pop-tarts and playing Spiderman 2 on play station.

Dick wasn’t speaking to him at the moment, so it wasn’t like there was a lot else to do. Dick’s friends were always Cassidy’s and without that support system of little-brother-tagging-along-ness, he found himself completely alone.

This was why he was ringing the Kane’s doorbell at three in the afternoon on a Friday, even though he’d never hung out with Duncan before or really even spoken more than a handful of words to him.

Duncan answers the door at the third knock, wearing a pair of dark blue boxers. His hair is wet, like he’d just gotten out of the shower and when he looks at Cassidy, arms crossed, waiting to see what the boy has to say, he finds it kind of hard to breathe.

“Um…hi,” Cassidy says after a bit, mouth feeling kind of dry, though he’d just drunk a coke before he came over. He can’t think of a good reason why he’d be over here, except he wants to be with someone who hates Logan as much as he does. “I haven’t been to school in like three days. I was wondering if, like, you could tell me what I missed?”

Duncan stares at him, blinks, and says slowly, “We don’t have any classes together, Beaver.” His arms are still crossed and he leans against the doorframe, watching the other boy with an unreadable expression. His is expression is always unreadable.

Cassidy blushes and looks away, “Oh, um, right. Yeah, okay, bye,” he stammers, starting to turn away, feeling like an idiot.

Maybe Duncan’s just as bored and lonely as he is, or maybe he feels a little sorry for the kid, because his father’s face has been plastered all over the news and Beaver never really seemed to have many friends in the first place. Or maybe Duncan’s just a nice guy, but he doubts it.

“Hey,” he says, halting the other boy in his tracks. “There’s a football game on.”

“Yeah?” Cassidy replies, though he doesn’t watch football.

Duncan nods and walks back into the house, leaving the door open for the younger boy to follow.

Cassidy does, and plops down on the couch next to Duncan, eyes taking in the room-the dirty clothes on the floor, the empty pizza box on the coffee table-and remembers that Duncan lives alone now and it doesn’t matter how the house looks because no one comes over.

Except him, but it wasn’t really like he’d been invited. He squirms a little on the couch, trying to get comfortable.

Duncan’s eyes are glued to the TV and he doesn’t seem to even register the other boy’s presence.

This is just as awkward as Cassidy thought it might be, but hoped it wouldn’t, and all of a sudden Duncan pulls out this joint and lights it, taking a hit off of it before handing it to Cassidy like it’s nothing.

Cassidy takes it and stares at it between his fingers, eyes darting from the TV screen to Duncan and back to the joint, wondering what the hell he should do.

After a few moments of silence, he decides he has nothing left to lose and takes a hit, coughing when the foreign smoke infiltrates his lungs. He hands the joint back to Duncan in silence, eyes watering slightly. He wipes them with the edge of his sleeve and watches how Duncan inhales the smoke, holding his breath a few moments before blowing it out his nose.

Cassidy tries this and for a moment, his lungs hurt even worse than before, but after a while, it’s okay, because he’s starting to feel light and giddy and the fact that his world is collapsing around him doesn’t really matter.

He wonders if this is why Duncan does it.

He’s not really sure when it happened, but suddenly, he’s sitting a lot closer to Duncan on the couch and his head feels heavy, so he drops it to the other boy’s shoulder.

Duncan doesn’t move; he just glances at Cassidy before wordlessly turning his gaze back to the TV again.

“You know, I really hate Logan. Like, so much more than usual,” Cassidy says, though he usually doesn’t hate Logan at all, he just hates how his brother acts around him and all the stupid things he gets dragged along to do because of him.

At first it doesn’t seem like Duncan’s going to respond, he just grunts an agreement, but then he shrugs and shifts closer to Cassidy on the couch. “Yeah,” he says, like he knows exactly what Cassidy’s talking about, though he doesn’t and he’s really just trying to avoid some big emotional talk about the various ways Logan has screwed them both over, because he spends his days not thinking about it. There’s a good year of his life he spends all day just not thinking about.

“Like, who does he think he is?” Cassidy continues, unaware of all this. “I mean, why does he think he can just get away with stuff? Dick even forgave him, which is, like, retarded considering he hasn’t even forgiven me and I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

Cassidy says this with a wide-eyed seriousness that makes Duncan chuckle and soon he’s double over with bubbles of laugher coming from his lips because everything is so skewed and laughing is easier than crying.

Cassidy looks at him uneasily, then laughs too, though he doesn’t know why, but he’s still in a haze from the pot and everything seems vaguely funny, even this.

When Duncan straightens up again, he wipes his eyes and shakes his head, “That’s nothing,” he informs Cassidy, “The day Lilly got killed, I was late coming home from soccer practice,” he snickers the kind of crazy laugh like he can’t believe he’s saying this, like he can’t even believe it happened and he looks Cassidy dead in the eye, “I was with Logan. Aaron Echolls was fucking Lilly and I was with Logan.” And the way he says it implies everything and leaves out nothing.

His mouth was around Logan’s cock as Aaron Echolls took Lilly’s life, and maybe if he’d just gotten home from soccer practice on time that day, none of it would have happened.

And it’s all Duncan thinks about. It’s so far beyond regret, beyond guilt that it’s almost funny now and he laughs again, laughs until he feels like he might throw up from the force of it, but he doesn’t, because Beaver just gives him a wide-eyed look and says a small “Oh” and suddenly Duncan’s lips cover his to keep the rest of his words from coming out, and he’s pretty sure he heard somewhere that regrets come in twos, though it could be that two wrongs don’t make a right, though he figures he’s gone about a hundred past ‘two wrongs’ now, so it doesn’t matter anyway.

He wonders which family member of his will die for this mistake, but that doesn’t stop his tongue from finding its way into Cassidy’s surprised, wet little mouth.

Cassidy opens his mouth wider in surprise and unsuccessfully tries to swallow back a moan, and he’s pretty sure he’s going to hell for this, because boys are not supposed to kiss boys and like it this much, but he doesn’t care anymore. And above everything he finds himself thinking that this whole family scandal thing might not be so bad after all.

At least he has Duncan to share it with.

vm fic

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