Mar 05, 2005 01:08
On the note of the last entry. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has ever been kind to our band, said nice things about our band or even defended our band. Thank you to anyone has taken the time to listen to our band and not just to laugh. Thank you to the people who come to shows to see us, and then congratulate us on a successful performance. You people are the ones keeping this band togeather. Without support we probabaly would have just quit long ago, because people cant just appreciate music. It's about who you are and your image. Obviously we are disliked as people, I still have a lack of understanding for this. Scott is just a happy go lucky kid that plays bass...Randy likes blink 182 and has odd haircuts, and I am just Nick, I dont know why people dont like me, but i wish i knew. Anyways that's why people dont like us. apparently no matter how good we get people will still dislike us. Talking behind backs will continue, and the war on how much does elmwood suck will continue. But as i started out saying, thank you so so much to the people who leave encouraging comments and clap for us. We deeply appreciate you. And to everyone else, and those who dislike us, find a life and stop wasting your and our time by writing insulting comments.