After hearing the commotion coming in the direction of the hospital, Ebony followed Siva Salene and Dax, all be it somewhat slowly. No sense in charging the entrance of the hospital all at once even if there was trouble. Upon reaching the scene, Ebony remained stationed in the doorway. There seemed to be more than enough people to deal with the
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It had gotten darker, and darker, and there had still been no sign of Jay. In fact, very few people had crossed within her line of site, but at each shadowed movement Ebony's eyes strained to make out who was approaching. With each possibility, she held her breath just slightly, exhaling in disappointment when the dim form turned out to be just a random passerby. At first, Ebony thought her eyes were just playing tricks on her as a figure approached with a very familiar stride to his step. Squinting hard, it only took a few more seconds before the blond hair on the individual became vaguely visible. It was only until Jay had approached close enough to be unmistakable that she allowed herself to believe it truly was him.
Relief washed over her from head to toe, her body temperature even responding to simply knowing he was alive. He was alive, and he was safe, and now she had tangible proof of it standing right in front of her. Ebony remained standing with her arms crossed as Jay spoke. Just hearing his voice again was wonderful, but knowing now that he was unharmed, and that he appeared to have just wandered off for virtually the entire day without a thought to what she would think,... it made her angry. He'd been completely thoughtless, and while she knew he had a lot on his mind, and she had done more than a few disappearing acts over the last week, she'd never been gone as long as he had. If this had been some sort of twisted payback she'd ring his neck.
"Nothing much." She began, her voice dripping with anger through the all too transparent passiveness. "Just thought I'd wait around outside in the cold to see if anyone came by to, oh, I don't know, make a ransom demand." Ebony shrugged her shoulders roughly, her tone not losing any of its hositility. "Or maybe to drop off a body bag with a certain former general inside." For a few wordless seconds she simply glared up at him before redirecting her gaze off to the right. Yes she was angry, and yes she would demand an explanation for why he'd put her through that, but both things could wait. Jay was back, and he was safe. Nothing else really mattered at the moment. Looking back up at him with a slightly irritated but much softer expression, her tone of voice lost all traces of malice, now holding only a quiet, weary relief. "Look, just,...come here." Taking a small step closer, Ebony unfolded her arms, reaching out to pull him into a much needed hug.
"I'm here," he said, soothingly, "I'm safe."
A warm meal, a hot shower, then bed with his girl beside him... His brain stopped before it went too far down that line. Jay wasn't usually one to put things off, and he still hadn't seen his brother since the morning's happenings. That confrontation couldn't wait any longer. Unfortunately, he was no closer to knowing how to handle the situation.
He yawned hugely, belatedly trying to cover his gaping mouth with his free hand. It all seemed a bit over his head just now.
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