I have a beetly thing in my kitchen. I've been trying to identify it on the internet, but since I don't know if it's *really* a beetle, this is proving difficult. I just want to know if it's eating my house or something!
The spider in the bathroom I don't mind. She popped up from down the side of the bath while I was in it and then went down again. I have called her Penelope. I am not allowed pets but Penelope is more of an uninvited but nonetheless welcome houseguest. I don't like beetles, though. They remind me of Nazis.
Oh, the joys of living in a creaky old flat.
No, really, there are joys. I looked at a lot of places and what sold me on this one (apart from the cheapness and the space and the crazy bamboo wallpaper) was the fact that it's not in a block. By the time I get home from work the butchers downstairs have gone home and there's nobody to object if I put my Fists Of Emotion playlist on and sing at the top of my voice. It's awesome! I just completed the EmotionFist playlist yesterday. It had been semi-done for ages, lots of Aretha Franklin and Abba, but now it goes right down to Whitney.
I have also been listening to Amy Winehouse a lot,
and then I went on YouTube.
A pre-big hair cover of Dinah Washington's Teach Me Tonight on Jools Holland. She's so young and clean and sober!
Love is a Losing Game, live. So, so good. You might cry.