OK, so I've had a fair few problems with my laptop over the time I've had it, and at last i have a concrete solution to my problems. They're sending me a gorgeous new one! Thats right boys and girls, a brand spanking new laptop. (See Below)
So finally, after several new bits...
1 new display unit,
2 batteries
2 new topcases (almost 3 since the current one is going weird :s)
a new keyboard
and finally the DVD drive slot is a little compressed making ejecting disks a bit hard sometimes.
I just hope its one of the newer ones with the re-designed case, although i was told it is a 2.4GHz with a 250GB hard disk, which is possible on the older ones but its a custom option, so all things point towards a new one.
So, your honour, my case is closed.
(No, no objections your honour.)