// Basics
01. NAME: Autumn.
02. AGE: Fifteen.
03. LOCATION: Dayton, Ohio.
05. TAKEN OR NO?: No.
// Your Favorite...
06. Band & A Song By Them: My Ruin; Miss Ann Thrope.
07. Movie. List at least five and tell us which is your favorite, and why:
1. The Lion King.
2. Down Will Come Baby.
3. Underworld.
4. Trainspotting.
5. Monster.
The Lion King is still my all time favorite movie. It's not my favorite due to emotional attachments, the morals it teaches your, or anything like that. I just like Mufasa.
08. TV Show. List at least three and which is your favorite:
1. Inked. [ My favorite. ]
2. Law n' Order. [ SVU ]
3. The Gilmore Girls.
09. Hobbies. At least five please:
1. Reading.
2. Doing makeup.
3. Writing.
4. 'Hanging out with friends.' And I feel totally lame for putting that.
5. Watching movies.
// Opinions
10.Give your opinion on three of the following, and use more than one sentence, please:
[a] Abortion. Pro Life, Pro Choice, etc. I'm pro-life. If someone is stupid enough to get knocked up, knowing that they couldn't handle the baby in the first place, then they should have to take care of it. However, I'm not die hard about being pro-life. There are some cases to where abortion should be allowed. Rape, illness, birth defects, and so on and so forth. I'm not going to condemn someone for making a choice that I wouldn't make myself.
[c] Sex before marriage. If you're ready for it, then you're ready for it. Some people just aren't the marriage type. If you're aware of what the consequences could be [ std's, pregnancy, ect ], and you're willing to take the risk, then go for it. What people do in privacy is no one elses concern.
[f] Body Modification (piercings, tattooes, etc). If you know that you're not going to regret it then there shouldn't be a problem. I'm fifteen, I've gotten pierced several times and have one tattoo. A few of the piercings were done when I was younger, and I grew out of them. As for the tattoo, it had sentimental value and I don't regret it. Piercings you can remove, tattoos you can't. So, if you're going to get inked, make sure it means something to you. Don't just put tribal shit on your forehead.
// More Stuff
11. 5 words that describe you. Realistic. Funny. Sincere. Exciting. Fabulous.
12. Who is your hero? Post a picture of them if possible and tell us why you chose them. I don't have a picture of him, but my hero is my Grandfather. He's a wonderful man and has been with me through everything. He was a soldier in the Vietnam war, and knows a little bit about everything. He's my own Godsend.
13. Where is one place you've always wanted to go, and why? Paris. I watched a special on the Travel Channel about catacombs that they have there. I'd like to visit, and check them out.
14. Why do you think you're 'DINOXCORE?' and how often will you be active? I think I'm DINOXCORE, because I was accepted before. ;D I'll be active all the time, now that my computer is working.
15. Who left you a Promo in your journal? Username, please. No one. I was looking at my old journal, and missed being in it.
16. Are you in any other rating communities? No.
17. Do you like taking pictures of yourself? When I don't look like trash.
18. Do you have a camera (digital, webcam, etc)? Yes.
19. Post a funny picture or something else to make us laugh.
// Promote
Promote with the banner in the info to 2 places.
One of them must be a community.
- I'm putting one in my userinfo, but I'm just making this journal so I'm not in any other communities.
// Pictures
Post a minimum of 5 CLEAR (and un-photoshopped) pictures of yourself.