happy fucking bday

Aug 09, 2004 10:31

Saturday night Lisa had a party. It was a blast everyone was so chill and we all got stoned out of our minds! It was nice chilling with all my friends and seeing Kailee. Jon and I got a room to ourselves which I love doing that <33 In the morning we all wook up and went to mcdonalds and then wake & baked. woo.

I went home and got ready to go out to my birthday dinner. My family, my moms boyfriend, his daughter, Katie, her mom, Dara, Jon, and I all went to Mai Kai. It's this beautiful hawiian restraunt where the food is so expenisive like 50 bucks a meal and you get to watch belly dancers and fire throwers well eating your dinner. We were right next to the stage and Jon got to see one of the dancers boobs fall out of her shirt and I got to have a full view of the only white guy up there who was juggeling fire, he was soooo hot! They threw fire in the air and lit themselves on fire it was awesome! Jon kept reaching me over and giving me kisses during the songs. Even thought Katie spent the whole time on the phone in the bathroom with her boyfriend and Dara stayed in the bathroom smoking cigerettes and neither of my best friends were there to sing me happy birthday. But I brushed it off because I didn't want anything to ruin my perfect night.

Katie was joking around that she broke up with her boyfriend which I was like fine il play along and I go up to Katies mom and im like "Did Katie and Brian really break up?" Then Katie goes "Devon keep your fucking mouth shut this is why I don't tell you anything" Then Dara and Katie rolled their eyes and walked away. So I go "If you both want to be a bitch to me on my birthday I don't have to give you a ride home" & they go "fine, we seriously don't want to ride with you anyway". But I knew there was no room in the other car so I was like "just get in the car I want to leave" They kept repeating no. Finally Katie's mom goes 'it's fine we will all go in Lisa's car and just move stuff around so we all can fit' .. I asked three times after that for them just to get in the car. Finally, I just gave up and left.

Then my mom calls and tells me how fucked up I am to leave them there and not to bother coming home. She started screaming at me then hung up. I went home cryign histerically and told my mom exactly what happened and that I asked them numerous times to just come in the car with me. She says she believes me that they lied because she saw how they were acting toward me the whole night but theres to much drama going on and she doesn't want me having my party on Wendesday. So, anyone that i invited im not having a party at my house il probably go out for drinks or something so I will let you all know about my plans for Wendesday as soon as I know. I feel horrible that my two best friends are two faced bitches and why they would do all that..

& just like movies we play out our last scene
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