(no subject)

May 29, 2005 17:34

I am not liking summer so far. I hate how I stay up so late and wake up so late, I hate how everything feels hot and lazy, I hate how I fell hot and lazy. I have not really accomplished anything, except for finishing two wonderfully interesting books: DIARY by Chuck Palahniuk and TEMPLE by Matthew Reilly. DIARY posed some intriguing questions regarding art; lately I have been contemplating the point of art, and writing, all creative pursuits. [I am planning on double-majoring in fine/studio art and (blank) this fall, so..] I sometimes feel that the only great accomplishment we can achieve as humans is to utilize and expand our abilities to create, more specifically to create art (including writing). What other purpose could we have? What do you think? What good are our "expanded" minds? It seems to me that people who have no desire to create something is... I don't know, but it seems wrong. How could anyone listen to music or see a beautiful piece of art, or watch a dance, or read a great novel without wanted to do that themselves?
I think that the very essence of being human is the process of creation, and although it's constantly occurring all around us, we are always building, inventing, growing, we also live in a society so huge that you just don't need to create anything yourself. You don't have to build your house or cook your food or garden your own garden or even do your own hair. This all may be fine and natural, but then everybody just gets incredibly lazy.
It's funny how the "freedom," the "pursuit of happiness" that this country was founded upon has now evolved (devolved?) into the "freedom to buy happiness." This is why I think creating art, writing, and music is so beneficial; you're not buying, you're doing.
There is so much to think about...
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