Latest WitchCraft-session

Nov 17, 2008 13:16

During our latest WitchCraft-game, the players got themselves into jail and out again.

Remember when I said they went graverobbing and stole a mystic amulet? Well, since none of the players read this journal, I'll tell you some secrets. The bad guys are tracking the amulet. And they really don't want it to be taken away from the island. So what do they do? They call the police, of course! "I'm sorry sir, but there's been someone vandalising the graveyard... I think they looked something like this..."

So the players got taken in for questioning, together with a couple of random NPCs. Of course the four individual characters (they didn't question the cat) told four different stories about what they had done and when the previous night. Thus the police got a bit suspicious, and put them in holding cells to keep them in one place while they investigated further. Unfortunately (for the police) the players decided they didn't want to stay put, and so they made a break for it. In a pretty violent manner. No one died though... thankfully.

They ran away to the house where they knew the man lives who told the police about them. He wasn't home, so they hid in his garage. Which started to burn. It burned most violently. Did I mention that the bad guys are tracking the amulet? A fire elemental paid a visit to the place, but they managed to get away with their lives.

What next for our adventurers? Well, they did have all these spooky dreams about an old Victorian manorhouse, and they did notice that it was buildt over a leyline and that it felt weird and that a person lives there who seems to be involved in this whole adventure... so they knocked on his door and got invited into the parlour for some coffee.

And there the players had to leave for the bus.
To be continued.
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