Look who's back, back again

Oct 27, 2008 23:15

So, a comment from a reader (!) reminded me about this place. Maybe it's time to (gasp) post again?

What's going on, gaming-wise? Well, I'm still playing my Malkavian in the LARP, though she has advanced from ghoul to a free Neonate. Here she is, no longer Jouét but Joy de Vivré. She's still a sick little puppy. I like to have her in a perfectly ordinary conversation, chirping and bubbling with a girlishly airheaded voice, and then slip in a mention of amputation fetisches here or a story about pedophilia and torture there. And then giggle and continue with a compliment on someone's dress or hair.

I still play WitchCraft as well, but with a new group. Right now the constellation is as follows;
Thomas, my significant other, plays Jeff Jarrett Junior (or Triple Jay), a veteran from the US Army and a "regular" magic healer (lesser Gifted). Trip is a nice guy, always looking out for the group and for his cat (more about him further down).
Jesper (from the old group) plays Rodrigues, his old character: a blonde and blue-eyed latino who served under Triple Jay and is wanted by the police. Rodrigues is a Psychic and enjoys tossing things around with his mind. He's also very good-hearted, and recieves omens (plot hooks) every now and then.
Wulff plays Mr Snuggles, a cruel and cynical kitty cat who just happens to be a powerful Psychic who specialises in mind control (a Bast). He is usually pretending to be Triple Jay's pet. Or maybe the other way around.
Ted portrays our residential horny necromantic, Ian Locksley. Ian is always dependable. You can depend on him to be chasing girls, you can depend on him to steal bodyparts from dead people, you can depend on him to do anything for a cup of coffee...
And our newest addition to the group is Jesper's brother Patrick, who's for the last session played a P.I. named George Stewart. George is another lesser Gifted, with magical powers suited to his line of work. I harbor a suspicion that I'll regret allowing him the merit "Hard to kill" as well.

Our band of brave compatriots met at a convention for magic users, held in Belfast. They got involved with a ghost out for revenge and managed to piss off the mightiest coven of witches in the entire country, called Morrigan's Crows. With some help from a Bast called Murphy, the local vampire Finlay and a couple of techno-mages using the handle Gogoolplex, they eventually solved the case - but got themselves thrown of the entire island in the process. Morrigan's Crows chased them all the way to the airport in Dublin, but thankfully for our little coven, they got on a plane just in time.

However, as they made their way over the Atlantic, Rodrigues fell asleep and dreamt about thirteen women standing in a circle around a small fire. Smoke rose from the fire and created clouds... and wind... and rain... Thunder and lightning rocked the plane, and after a few hits the tiny passenger plane made an emergency landing on a small island outside of southern Wales. Gee, they don't seem to have a lot of luck when it comes to islands, do they? Or maybe it was lucky for them - at least they didn't land in the water. Triple Jay got a chance to test out his magical shield, as did Snuggles and Rodrigues. When it comes to this particular type of injury, Trip has a definite advantage. Still, everyone managed to walk on his own two (or four) feet away from the plane.

The storm is still raging, and most of the band have started to have weird dreams again. Dreams of death and mumification, of old Victorian mansions and of a grave. Last time they went graverobbing and dug up a strange medallion with signs from several magic traditions on it. If they only understood exactly what it means... and why did Ian start walking in his sleep when he had it? Who lives in the old mansion on the outskirts of the little town? Did the green flubber-like tree spirit mean anything when it kept staring at them? (No, it didn't).

Answers to these questions and more (like will Ian ever get laid?) will hopefully be posted as I find out.

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