Maybe I do look towards the future

Feb 08, 2009 11:45

But hell I started a list like this a long time ago and have already accomplished somethings I want to do and see of this world. Places I want to go. Things I want to see. I'll meet everybody worth while. It's funny how the simplest statement can affect me, a stranger can remain more in my mind than a number of people I have spent time around. Although that is not the case for people I give my time too now. But from my second grade art teacher telling me life isn't fair to that Norwegian man in Switzerland telling us you have to have passion in this life and you will fail at anything you try to do if you dont have that passion. I have done so much, we all have, how do we remember all of it? I want to remember everything. I never want to forget how one time I was younger I went to the tiny town of pioche and did a cakewalk. Memory was the last thing growing up I really thought about treasuring. You never hear anybody telling you as a child to take care of it. Anyways

Redneck Games in Dublin,GA
Skydive, anywhere
Shanghai, China
Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany
Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt
I'd like to ride a camel, although i feel it'd be just as awful as a horse
Olympia, Greece
Taj Mahal in India
Macchu Picchu in Peru
Hike in Tibet
Maya Ruins in Mexico
Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Climb a bit of Mount Everest
Niagra Falls
Galapagos Islands
Basically, I want to see all the touristy things in the midst of this world that is so diverse and beautiful. Ill be adding on and always need suggestions. Keep moving forward.

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine
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