Jul 01, 2005 00:00
My mom just got home &&. she left at 5:45 &&. I dont know how to cook. So I like starved (: But yeah, she made me chicken patties. Sooo (:
- I have cramps.
+ I finally had a good cry (: So, now I'm in a better mood.
- I hate how people are selfish; immature; rude.. oh &&. the list goes on.
- And I just hate people; period.
- I have a headache.
- I can't go to the park tomorrow because it's supposed to rain.
+ I'm going to take my permit. &&. I actually studied this time. Well, sorta.
+ I THINK Brad &&. I might hang out.
- I can't find my charger; yet again.
- My phone's dead.
+ Sandcastle/Kennywood with Megg, Alison, & Ashh on Tuesday. Thank God. I need out of here for at least a day.
- Brad's been acting weird lately.
- I never get any comments anymore. ):
+ Aaron wants me to hang out with Brittnee; so then we can all hang out.
- I haven't talked to her in awhile though so I'll call her soon.
- I don't like summer school.
+ Glad we finally have a break.
- All the guys are leaving. Except Zach.
- All the weirdos are staying in our class.
- Dylyn's leaving ):
+ Corey Fetterman will be in our class. That should make it more interesting.
+ I'm starting to get sick of complaining.
- I really miss Kaylee &&. Jenn.
+ I'm starting dance back up here soon. I miss it. ):
- It's just a 5-days a week thing. :/
- If I choose to dance at BDA again this year; which I highly doubt. Then, try-outs should be coming up soon.
- I have no upper-body strength, what-so-ever.
- I haven't stretched in awhile. So I might want to start. :/
- I still have to wait til I get my inahler to start workshops.
+ I have to call Mrs. Crago soon! <333 If she's still letting me then I'm going to start working there in August. (:
+ I'm holding off on putting my application in at Target. I'm just going to wait til school starts to mess with that.
+ No Majorettes at all. (: Means I don't have to put up with any twirling, back-stabbing, bitches this year. Ahh, it's going to be quite wonderful.<3
- I can't do tennis. Pfft. I'm not trying out when there are 50 girls all ready working on it &&. I haven't actually played (and not goofed off in the process) in how many years.
[Too many negatives.. I'm not liking it. At all.]
me: i tried to make a chef boyardee earlier
megg: mic it!
me: thats what i didd
megg: did you cover it with plastic?
me: no; it doesnt say that on the can!
--- We've come to the conclusion. I should just stay out of the kitchen.
♥ ♥ ♥