I love you<3. (:

Jun 30, 2005 18:07

Yesterday; last day of Summer School <3. For now. Have to go back to finish American Studies. Coreyy Fetterman is going to be in our class. Wander how Jared &&. Aunt Carolyn are doing I haven't talked to them in awhile. Maybee I'll call laterrr. Uhmm; Gym was absolutelyy boring. Sat there with Sarah E., Sarah M., and her boyfriend. I got my tests back from the hospital on Monday and my blood is just flowing the wrong way. Nothing big . Went to see War of the Worlds with Brad at 7:30. I thought it was going to be better. Oh well. I made him see Bewitched; so I guess he has a point. Then we went back to his house and he ate his wings. And he wanted to watch South Park but then we agreed on White Chicks. And then he took me back to my grams. At first, I didn't have curfew but then I had to go to the hospital soo I had to be home by 11 ):

Today; Got up and watched Unsolved Mysteries and got ready. Then went to the hospital. And of course we knew our way around. So we didnt have to ask for directions. Sad, tell me about it. Had an asthma test done. And yep, its there (: But it's just excercise induced or something. Soo, I'm not allowed to do anything until July 18th when I get my inhaler. And he said no dying my hair. Hmmphhh. He said the chemicals or something wont help.

I haven't talked to a lot of people lately. I usually just sit around here or I'm always with Brad. But now that I have all dayy for a week; maybe I'll go out<3 Tuesday I'm going to Sandcastle/Kennywood with Alison Ashley && Meg. And tomorrow Meg and I are going to Blands. && maybe Alison and Shannon, if they call me back. :/

I miss Kaylee &&. Jenn.


My sister &&. my mom had to go to the ER. Not like she's been there enough; just this week.3 times this week and just 2 today.

I have cramps ):

♥ ♥ ♥
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