update because i havent in forever

Oct 10, 2005 02:33

waiting for ffxi servers to get back up so i can go camp some gil NMs for once in god knows how many months.

Biggest changed FFXI has been that Chima quit finally, was hardly unexpected after chojka and alot of the older arc members left game/LS. They way he did it was bleh, but always is when a good friend/leader goes(was best NA pld, probably still is heh). Was hoping he would come back and thats why i orginally ran arc, but now its pretty apparent he isnt. Tryin to change shift from sky to ground has been hella hard on LS, been doin ground for a good while but hasnt been too kind to us. Had to team up with LoD on a KB since 8 people decided to farm some bullshit instead of coming -_- and ofcourse only shitty Afeet drop. Last Cycle NMs were in NA times did decent, ended up with like 3 fafs in a row and a few other random faf/behe, but failed to get a nidhogg, van got ridill and rooks got hrotti and other less notible faf drops. This past Cycle of NA time has been down right shit. Lost 14 or so Behe camps, all but 2 to AS. Fafhogg lost 3 nidhoggs, 1 to Ex, 1 to AS, 1 to lotl today which they wiped at 15% and started drama, won 1 faf while other LSes were playing with wyrms. AS won most NQ faf pops to must be come kind of leet pulling >.> Today nidhogg made mistake of not escaping since he was being a pansy fafnir(until he was at 25% only 8 wings) then he started open up and spam them pretty fast, there whms went down they couldnt sleep him because they slept him a bunch earlier i guess, whms couldnt get unweakend he gets pissy and drops most of them, tryin to find other LS leaders to random, at same time some1 in my LS stupidly gets agro on nidhogg, how i dunno. I random shitty ass low number by now i see we have nidhogg some how, i tell people to escape and few get pissy since they wanted to kill nid. Losing 90% of claims is getting mad annoying, too bad principles dont get claims >.>

Havent played WoW in a couple months now, FFXI and RL drama has eating into what time i would have. I really want to start playing again but would require buying Ps2 ffxi mostlikely and upgrade PC which is cash i lack atm, havent talked to surreal people in forever probably POed at me since already pulled this shit once ><.
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