
Jul 26, 2005 04:14

sunday - i get the good old 1106 err for 2 hrs and miss Skirigami weapon ><. After i get on roric and finbar were starting to farm for antlion traps(me/varg/medi did ours night before) i tag along, its not too bad of a droprate on the HQ jaws. farm them up a set each and i take a set for dexi(the 1 whm that made aspido sessions last month work pretty much) and also pick 1 up for old man rooks. Ran into tui and a few other em members told them we were doin antlion NM at 5, they sid they would be there later they were gonna do kirin, which was cool since we should have been done by then or done before they would be ready. Get back to jeuno found a crafter to make traps(charged fuckin 50k but were in a rush to help kill new boat NMs) they get made except for fins that crit fails. I told him he can use mine and ill get a new 1 later. We go to boat. blackbeard pops first pass but no drop with th3 >.> i had to afk and work on doin the daily hunt down whms and plds for NM. We all get ready in attowa for NM, then em rolls up which although i have nothin against them, i dont like other LSes watching us kill pop NMs(bad experiances) but whatever we pop it, goes like it should from something varg read we were supposed to kite him but that was found to be impossible after about 30 seconds of the alabastor poping, first 1 was a little sloppy(2 deaths) but went down easy enough and got new phat boots. some Em members helped out on CFhed mobs. the next 3 go clean no deaths with only 2 whms there and 1 pld(chima tanked like pro as always) and 1 nin(varo fuckin owned the feeler so bad never had more than 1 exe out at a time) on the 5th run, 1 whm afked but we felt we would be ok, as killing the feeler after alabastor poped an exe poped and a slob add(didnt have a bst he was sleeping >.>) Em bst charms the random pop add and they helped out on raises after exe worked a few stoned people from alabstor. Sixith 1 goes uneventful, i asked a few to stick around to farm and help EM on the first part of it(since they helped us a bit figure it would be nice thing to do) there first 1 alabastor pops right away, we go farm got 8 HQ jaws in <20 min so a few left that had stuff to do but about 10 of us chilled to help em. There runs go pretty uneventfully there nin was getting hit alot feeler got tp to summon exes pretty fast(its a tp atk) but then there last 1 was a real bitch. Started out with 13! exes before NM poped. They didnt have much dmg in the ally and at some point 3 exes + feeler was out. we got it under control i thought, then NM pops finally, they start to kill feeler but take too long so like 5 more exes pop. most of them wipe a bst or some1 kited alabastor all around attowa until they were able to RR unweakend and kill it finally, was a good thing we stuck around hehe. Afterwards got my lolaf3 done since was killin time for yinyang NM(didnt want to sleep and miss it again) SMN af3 is worst quest story ever, so much nonsense. anywas after a few hours of nothing head up to ro and start camping, there were a ton of really small groups(that could handle it but not it + the adds you are sure to get) he pops, im first 1 to agro him, but some1 claimed him but not until i get aeroIIIed(we had like 7 in zone at that point) for like 600 and die from it + adds i got lol. i tell them to kick me and get varg in there pt but they passed me leader instead, weapon runs around killing stupid smns that claim it and die. i alt+tab then come back, no1 tells me what goin on until finally say we got it after 9779879778 people die to it lol(its not a real hard Nm so was shocked) mooni tanked it on sam/war i finally get a raise then just before it dies i get that good old boot the servers have been doin(didnt clear dyna bastok thanks to it) but i get back in and to my suprise the bastarded droped. So now im new owner of jujitsu gi err yinyang robe lol. damn thing is pimp as shit.

today(gonna be short tired) - Smn gets to 70 20k from 71, got neptunes staff and varg got yinyang[i got pop but rooks or mooni beat me on claim(2 down like 3 to go for arc smns)] tomarrow no sleep to 71, couldnt get an exp pt tonight, wanted to pickup group a bit since mooni hates exping a long time now thanks to SE raping rng ;;
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