Jun 24, 2005 23:55
Last day of volunteering. I wanted to work there during the school year but they said that I had to be 18. Suxs. And then Jessica made me get into the car with Lee. And I really didn't want to be in there. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate her, because I suppose I dont have any reason to. It's just that, like, you ever been in one of those situations where you know everyone thinks your an idiot and anoying and shit. It's like that when I'm around her. ALLWAYS. It's like, I know whatever I do, she is annoyed by me. And it's not like I do anything to make it better by being Kurt. But it was funny because we drive for like thirty seconds and I convinced Jessica that we didn't need a ride. So we got out LOL. But I suppose that I'm writing this to give props to Lee. She was much more composed and civil than I thought she would be, than anyone else would have been, and much more than she should have been. I am always out-gentlemanned by women. I'm listening to Tenacious D and I havn't listened to them in a little while. (Now fucking get it on)
Anyway, I think I'm going to keep going in the morning to hang out and work out. I'm gunna be ripped I swear, lol. I think I'm gunna have a little going away party tomorrow or sunday. I've got drugs and alcohol. AND the band will play, maybe? I'm bored. I havn't partied IN TWO FUCKING WEEKS. Or like one and a half, but it feels like eternity. I havnt been drunk or stonned off my ass at a party all summer either. So, to the party-room, Hazaad! I need to find someone or something new to love. I'm getting bored with my routine. I miss having someone to call all the time. Not like, I'm lonely, but like I want someone or something to need me. Someone to be hurt and come to me. I really miss that. Otherwise, I can't say that I'm lonely, I suppose I have a lot of friends. But I do miss that need and, I suppose affirmation that you have a purpose. Someone to remind you that you are all-important to someone. I suppose I need to meet some new people. I dont think I know anyone right now that I would go out with. One person, but they've had like two different people tell me that she doesn't like me. LOL. Sooooooo, yeah. On second thought, I might actually just like to chill with my band instead of having a party. I dunno. I mean, on the whole I generally like small gatherings over large ones, but I really want to do that get-drunk-and-crazy-with-a-bunch-of-people-and-go-streaking thing. Man. Long time since I've gone streaking drunk. And I know a few people who would go with me. And I've got the best place in mind. I suppose I'll have just a very little thing, and then have a big coming back party. Yeah, so furrizzeal.
The Who are awsome.
And we still need a band name.
Comment with any fucking name you can come up with.
(It HAS to be better that the shit we've come up with)
~Lazy Susan and her shitty kitties