Aug 20, 2005 23:30
..ok well to start off with today everyone seemed to be in a bad mood includin' myself..?.. still have'nt figured out to sure why..?..oh well anyway as tha' day went on things' seemed to get better.. untill my brother sister all them decide to go to tha' West Virginia State Fair..& my sister ask if we can watch my 2 neices which are 1 & 3..not a problem me & my Mom said..well every since they have been here since bout' 4 or so they have been wide open non~stop finally my Mom juss got tha' 1 yr. old to tha' 3 yr. old wants to lay in tha' floor watchin' cartoons..sumtime's i juss dun' understand children..that's why i'm glad & thankfull that i have none of my own..cuz' i'm not ready for my own that's for sure.. friend juss left not to long ago he came over twice today & we juss chilled out watched Fuel listen'd to sum' tunes smoked sum' cron' that's bout' it..& that's all my day really consist i juss made that short & sweet..but now i'm out i think i'm goin' to sleepy & have gotten to stoned today..& i'm feelin' better..YaY!!..but i'm out..g~nite..