Ignorant People Make Me Laugh 'Til It Hurts

Dec 10, 2004 15:32

Hiya folks! It's Sara, back and ready for action! (<-Seriously, any takers?) HA! Me so funny...:)

Well, Allison and I were supposed to get together yesterday and watch the O.C., but that didn't happen because of Jamie's streak of bad luck (Sorry about Chad, Jamie...I know it probably hurts now, but he's a fag and doesn't deserve you if he says you remind him of Julie!)<- Al, although something somber like that shouldn't make me think of this, it reminded me of the outtakes from 10 things, the part where Cameron's friend (I can NEVER think of his name when I want to!) says to him, "There's better for you out there...and it's right here." lol :) I miss you, and we will hang out SOON, kay?

Anyways, yesterday was tre fun! Brandi, Emily and I went to see Bridget Jones 2: The Edge of Reason and it was great fun! That was my second time seeing it, and it was STILL sweet! I love Renee Zellweger, she is my hero- WAY TO MAKE SEMI-CHUBBY PEOPLE LOOK HOT! :) Brandi brought this up with us, and I totally agree- I would take Renee in Bridget over Renee in Chicago ANY day! She was WAY TOO SKINNY in Chicago, and I think having a little fat is a good thing.

The only negative thing I have to say about my movie-going experience yesterday would have to be the fact that Bill didn't understand that when I said, "I'll call you if we decide not to go to the 4:20 show" that implied that if I DIDN'T call him, we would BE THERE. So he didn't come see part of it with us because he was "waiting for my call." He's such a ditz sometimes. And yeah, I REALLY like the goofball. Why, oh, WHY do I put myself in such compromising situations? Mmmkay. Enough of that.

After the movie we went to Applebees and had ourselves some oriental chicken roll-ups (yum...haha Allison...reminds me of the time I got, like, 300 refills on my kiwi lemonade!). Crispy was there, so we chatted him up for a while. We also had a very interesting convo about facial hair...all you boys out there...NEVER A GOOD THING!!!!! If your girlfriend says she likes it, she is LYING!(<-Okay I don't know that for a fact, but for the good of mankind, please stop the facial hair epidemic before it spreads through the whole of Michigan!). All in all, I have nothing bad to say about yesterday...I got to hang out with my girls, and didn't have a crapload of homework...all in all life was good.

Now on to today (There's more?! GASP). It was an average, ordinary day for the most part. It didn't get good until the car ride home. OMG-so Emily told me that Chris Scholler and Walker McIntyre(don't you love how I embaress them so publicly?!)didn't know what a CLIT WAS!(<-Long story on how she came to realize this and tell me about it...if you REALLY wanna know, go to Emily's livejournal with Pankster05!)So Chris calls Emily right as we are leaving Mott's parking lot and wants her to tell him what a clit is because he does NOT wanna ask Jaymee about it! So she is laughing too hard to tell him, and I mean, do you blame her? I sure as hell don't...two 17-year-old teens that clueless? I could barely breathe as I was trying to formulate a way to explain what a clit is without being too graphic, so I was like, "It's..umm...a button...double-clicking the mouse..." and I swear I thought we were gonna DIE IN A PINK CAR because she was laughing so hard she was hovering over the wheel!!! HAHAHA *Smiles* Even Jon Hyde thought I was funny, which made me feel pretty damn good (Because he's the real jokester of the bunch of us). It was great. I actually just told my mom that story because I felt compelled to share in the ignorance of my friends. She laughed too. I know it may seem awkward that I shared such sexual things with her, but she's easy to talk to about stuff like that for the most part. As long as it's not about MY sexual escapades (as if I have them!), it should be okay!

So that was really long, and Emily and Amanda are probably wondering where I am right now. I better get going then. I have NHS tonight(SCORE!) and the ACT's AGAIN tomorrow (FUN FUN!), so it looks like I'm gonna have a super weekend. Blech. I wish I was working.

And B i l l has nothing to do with it...

I promise...

No really...

Ehhh, who am I kidding. I can't get him outta my head.

This song "Complicated" by Carolyn Dawn Johnson pretty much says it all:

"I'm so scared that the way that I feel is written all over my face
When you walk into the room, I wanna find a hiding place
We used to laugh, We used to hug, the way that all friends do
But now a smile and the touch of your hand just makes me come unglued
It's such a contradiction, Do I lie or tell the truth?
Is it fact or fiction? Oh the way I feel for you

Is so complicated
I'm so frustrated
I wanna hold you close,
I wanna push you away,
I wanna make you go,
I wanna make you stay.
Should I say it?
Should I tell you how I feel?
Oh, I want you to know...
But then again I don't
It's so complicated"

That was only a tidbit of it, but you can see where I'm going with that. Okay. I'm finished. Ta ta for now, my little darlings!

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